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Paper: Improving Lives, Communities, and Societies with Astronomy
Volume: 537, ASP 2022: A Virtual Conference
Page: 50
Authors: Simmons, M.; Venugopal, R.; Ansari, A.
Abstract: This panel will explore the importance and utility of astronomy in improving lives, from individual growth to international and intercultural relations, in ways not offered by other sciences. Astronomy inspires students to consider STEM careers and introduces them to many other STEM fields. By encouraging growth of the STEM workforce, astronomy supports societal development as well. As an engaging subject for society in general, public outreach organizations worldwide increase science awareness and knowledge, which in turn increases support for science programs that benefit their societies. Astronomy is accessible to marginalized communities such as minorities and those with disabilities. Resources for sharing astronomy with the blind and visually impaired are created by NASA agencies and others. Astronomy is used in countries with patriarchal societies to encourage girls to consider STEM fields they are often dissuaded from considering. The same is true for minority students who are often told that science isn't for them. With minimal resources required to utilize the astronomy “lab” overhead, telescopes are taken to refugee camps to teach children, while astro-buses take science to isolated rural regions. As a universal interest, and with the same sky shared by us all, astronomy reaches across geopolitical and cultural boundaries. Astronomy shows us our place in the Universe and our interconnectedness on our home planet, a critical perspective in confronting global crises such as climate change and international strife. By looking out, we see we are on a planet traveling through space in a way similar to the Overview Effect that astronauts experience upon seeing Earth among the stars. Astronomy has been a part of all cultures throughout history, inspiring art, literature, and philosophy. It is a connection with nature that has been shown to have an impact on mental and emotional wellbeing. Astronomy transcends many of the obstacles of society and life.
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