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Paper: The NASA Community College Network: Lessons Learned and Future Expansion
Volume: 537, ASP 2022: A Virtual Conference
Page: 103
Authors: Steel, S.; Harman, P.; Backman, D.; Clark, C.; Fraknoi, A.
Abstract: The NASA Community College Network (NCCN) is a major initiative to bring NASA Subject Matter Experts (SME), research findings, and science resources into the nation's community college system. Now entering its third year, NCCN has brought together 50 SMEs and 50 community college instructors (from 20 states), in targeted resource development, professional development for instructors AND subject matter experts, and brokering bespoke partnerships between instructor and SME. This presentation will describe lessons learned over the first two years of the project, and describe how new community college instructors and SMEs can get involved as we expand participation in 2023.
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