Paper: |
Far Ultraviolet Spectral Images of the Cygnus Loop Observed with SPEAR/FIMS |
Volume: |
362, The Seventh Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics |
Page: |
170 |
Authors: |
Seon, K.-I.; Han, W.; Nam, U.-W.; Park, J.-H.; Edelstein, J.; Korpela, E.J.; Sankrit, R.; Min, K.-W.; Ryu, K.; Kim, I.-J. |
Abstract: |
We present far-ultraviolet spectral images of the entire Cygnus Loop, observed with the Spectroscopy of Plasma Evolution from Astrophysical Radiation (SPEAR) instrument, also known as FIMS, onboard the first Korean Science and Technology SATellite, STSAT-1. The emission line maps of C IV 1550Å, He II 1640Å, Si IV/O IV] 1400Å, and O III 1664Å were made by fitting the spectra in each pixel with Gaussian line spread functions and a constant background. The spectral maps were subsequently smoothed with an adaptive smoothing algorithm. The spatial distributions of FUV emissions generally correspond to a limb-brightened shell and are similar to optical, radio and X-ray images. The features found in the present work include a “carrot”, di®use interior, and breakout features, which have not been seen in previous FUV studies. The images provide the first complete global morphology in FUV spectral line emissions of the remnant. |