Antonelli, A.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
175 SAX Observations of the Maser AGN ESO 103-G35 395 Wilkes, B. J.; Mathur, S.; Fiore, F.; Antonelli, A.
179 BeppoSAX Observations During High and Low States of η Carinae 275 Viotti, R.; Grandi, P.; Antonelli, A.; Corcoran, M. F.; Damineli, A.
277 REM - Rapid Eye Mount. A fast slewing robotized infrared telescope 449 Covino, S.; Zerbi, F.; Chincarini, G.; RodonĂ², M.; Ghisellini, G.; Antonelli, A.; Conconi, P.; Cutispoto, G.; Molinari, E.