Arviset, Christophe

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
172 User Defined Functions for the ISO POST Mission Archive 249 Wieprecht, Ekkehard; Vandenbussche, Bart; Wiezorrek, Erich; Steinle, Helmut; Bauer, Otto H.; Arviset, Christophe; Hernandez, Jose; Plug, Arno M.; Saxton, Richard
281 The ISO Data Archive and Interoperability with Other Archives 58 Salama, Alberto; Arviset, Christophe; Hernández, José; Dowson, John; Osuna, Pedro
281 Re-use of the ISO Data Archive to Build the XMM-NEWTON Science Archive 247 Arviset, Christophe; Hernández, José; Dowson, John; Osuna, Pedro
281 ISO Data Archive and ISO Interactive Analysis Systems 434 Arviset, Christophe; Gabriel, Carlos; Ott, Stephan; Salama, Alberto; Hernández, José; Dowson, John; Osuna, Pedro