Bedding, T.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
37 AUTOFRED:A Robotic Fibre Positioner for FLAIR II 181 Bedding, T.; Gray, P. M.; Watson, F.
221 Resolving Globular Clusters in NGC 5128 using the VLT 163 Rejkuba, M.; Minniti, D.; Bedding, T.; Silva, D.
230 NGC 5128: The Fate of a Disk Galaxy 365 Rejkuba, M.; Minniti, D.; Bedding, T.; Silva, D.
261 Detection of negative superhumps in a LMXRB -- an end to the long debate on the nature of V1405 Aql (X 1916--053) 527 Retter, A.; Chou, Y.; Bedding, T.
310 Interferometry of Pulsating Red Giants from 0.65 to 3.5 Microns 327 Ireland, M.; Tithill, P.; Robertson, G.; Bedding, T.; Jacob, A.; Monnier, J.; Danchi, W.