Bond, H.E.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
313 The Dual Dust Chemistry - Binarity Connection 100 de Marco, O.; Barlow, M.J.; Cohen, M.; Bond, H.E.; Harmer, D.; Jones, A.F.
313 Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Light Echoes around V838 Monocerotis 543 Bond, H.E.; Henden, A.; Levay, Z.G.; Panagia, N.; Sparks, W.B.; Starrfield, S.; Wagner, R.M.; Corradi, R.L.M.; Munari, U.
334 HST Observations of the Sirius B Balmer Lines 175 Barstow, M.A.; Burleigh, M.R.; Holberg, J.B.; Hubeny, I.; Bond, H.E.; Koester, D.
363 Variable SiO Maser Emission from V838 Mon 87 Claussen, M.J.; Bond, H.E.; Starrfield, S.; Healy, K.
363 Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Light Echo around V838 Monocerotis 130 Bond, H.E.
363 V838 Mon and M31-RV: The Stellar Populations Angle 189 Siegel, M.H.; Bond, H.E.
363 A Young Open Cluster Surrounding V838 Monocerotis 241 Bond, H.E.; Afsar, M.
391 Transient Mass-Loss Events in the PG 1159 Central Star of Longmore 4 129 Bond, H.E.
398 Planets in the Galactic Bulge: Results from the SWEEPS Project 93 Sahu, K.C.; Casertano, S.; Valenti, J.; Bond, H.E.; Brown, T.M.; Smith, T.E.; Clarkson, W.; Minniti, D.; Zoccali, M.; Livio, M.; Renzini, A.; Rich, R.M.; Panagia, N.; Lubow, S.; Brown, T.; Piskunov, N.
401 Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Expanding Nebular Remnant of the 2006 Outburst of RS Ophiuchi 246 Harman, D.J.; Bode, M.F.; Darnley, M.J.; O’Brien, T.J.; Bond, H.E.; Starrfield, S.; Evans, A.; Eyres, S.P.S.; Ribeiro, V.A.R.M.; Echevarria, J.M.