Cecconi, B.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
461 IDIS: Progresses towards a Virtual Observatory in Planetary Science 395 Le Sidaner, P.; Andre, N.; Berthier, J.; Bourrel, N.; Cecconi, B.; Despan, D.; Erard, S.; Gangloff, M.; Henry, F.; Jacquey, C.; Leyrat, C.; Sarkissian, A.; Saunier, M.
512 The VO: A Powerful Tool for Global Astronomy 65 Arviset, C.; Allen, M.; Aloisi, A.; Berriman, B.; Boisson, C.; Cecconi, B.; Ciardi, D.; Evans, J.; Fabbiano, G.; Genova, F.; Jenness, T.; Mann, B.; McGlynn, T.; O'Mullane, W.; Schade, D.; Stoehr, F.; Zacchi, A.
512 Unique Identifiers for Facilities and Instruments in Astronomy and Planetary Science 561 Louys, M.; Cecconi, B.; Derriere, S.; Le Sidaner, P.
532 OPUS: an Interoperable Job Control System Based on VO Standards 451 Servillat, M.; Aicardi, S.; Cecconi, B.; Mancini, M.