Drake, J.J.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
243 Chandra Observations of the Young Open Cluster NGC 2516 621 Flaccomio, E.; Damiani, F.; Micela, G.; Pizzolato, N.; Sciortino, S.; Adams, N.R.; Drake, J.J.; Evans, N.R.; Freeman, P.; Harnden, F.R., Jr.; Jeffries, R.D.; Kashyap, V.; Patten, B.M.; Schachter, J.F.; Stauffer, J.R.; Wolk, S.J.; Zombeck, M.V.
334 Deposing the Cool Corona of KPD 0005+5106 229 Werner, K.; Drake, J.J.
372 Soft X-ray Spectra of Hot DA White Dwarfs with Compton Scattering 217 Suleimanov, V.; Madej, J.; Drake, J.J.; Rauch, T.; Werner, K.
372 Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of the Hot DA White Dwarf LB1919 and the PG1159 Star PG1520+525 225 Werner, K.; Drake, J.J.; Rauch, T.; Schuh, S.; Gautschy, A.
401 Swift Observations of Shock Evolution in RS Ophiuchi 269 Bode, M.F.; Osborne, J.P.; Page, K.L.; Beardmore, A.P.; O’Brien, T.J.; Ness, J.-U.; Starrfield, S.; Skinner, G.K.; Darnley, M.J.; Drake, J.J.; Evans, A.; Eyres, S.P.S.; Krautter, J.; Schwarz, G.