Evans, J. |
Volume |
Paper Title |
Page Number |
Authors |
351 |
Building the Chandra Source Catalog |
65 |
Evans, I.; Doe, S.; Evans, J.; Fabbiano, G.; Glotfelty, K.; Grier, J.; Hain, R.; Karovska, M.; McCollough, M.; Plummer, D.; Primini, F.; Rots, A.; Slavin, J.; Wise, M. |
351 |
Sherpa: Goals and Design for Chandra and Beyond |
77 |
Doe, S.; Nguyen, D.; Stawarz, C.; Siemiginowska, A.; Burke, D.; Evans, I.; Evans, J.; McDowell, J.; Refsdal, B.; Houck, J.; Nowak, M. |
376 |
The Chandra Source Catalog |
172 |
Fabbiano, G.; Evans, I.; Evans, J.; Glotfelty, K.; Hain, R.; McCollough, M.; Primini, F.; Rots, A.; Calderwood, T.; Doe, S.; Grier, J.; Harbo, P.; Karovska, M.; McDowell, J.; Plummer, D.; Paton, L.; Tibbetts, M.; Van Stone, D.; Zografou, P. |
376 |
Crates: High-Level I/O Interface for Scripting Languages |
519 |
Cresitello-Dittmar, M.; Burke, D.; Doe, S.; Evans, I.; Evans, J.; Germain, G.; Lyn, J. |
376 |
Developing Sherpa with Python |
543 |
Doe, S.; Nguyen, D.; Stawarz, C.; Refsdal, B.; Siemiginowska, A.; Burke, D.; Evans, I.; Evans, J.; McDowell, J.; Houck, J.; Nowak, M. |
376 |
CIAO 4 Preview: Sherpa and ChIPS Demo |
711 |
Refsdal, B.; Germain, G.; Burke, D.; Doe, S.; Evans, I.; Evans, J.; McDowell, J.; McLaughlin, W.; Milaszewski, R.; Miller, J.; Nguyen, D.; Stawarz, C.; Siemiginowska, A.; Houck, J.; Nowak, M. |
394 |
The Chandra Level 3 Master Source Pipeline: Automated Source Correlation from Heterogeneous Observations |
555 |
Hain, R.; Evans, I.; Evans, J.; Glotfelty, K. |
442 |
Advanced Python Scripting Using Sherpa |
687 |
Refsdal, R.; Doe, S.; Nguyen, D.; Siemiginowska, A.; Burke, D.; Evans, J.; Evans, I. |
461 |
SedImporter: A Tool and an Extensible Framework for Constructing
Interoperable Spectral Energy Distribution Data Files |
391 |
Laurino, O.; D'Abrusco, R.; Cresitello-Dittmar, M.; Evans, J.; McDowell, J. |
461 |
Iris: The VAO SED Application |
893 |
Doe, S.; Bonaventura, N.; Busko, I.; D'Abrusco, R.; Cresitello-Dittmar, M.; Ebert, R.; Evans, J.; Laurino, O.; McDowell, J.; Pevunova, O.; Refsdal, B. |
475 |
Extending Iris: The VAO SED Analysis Tool |
295 |
Laurino, O.; Busko, I.; Cresitello-Dittmar, M.; D'Abrusco, R.; Doe, S.; Evans, J.; Pevunova, O. |
485 |
Iris: Constructing and Analyzing Spectral Energy Distributions with the Virtual Observatory |
19 |
Laurino, O.; Budynkiewicz, J.; Busko, I.; Cresitello-Dittmar, M.; D'Abrusco, R.; Doe, S.; Evans, J.; Pevunova, O. |
485 |
Chandra Science Operational Data System Migration to Linux: Herding Cats through a Funnel |
57 |
Evans, J.; Evans, I.; Fabbiano, G.; Nichols, J.; Paton, L.; Rots, A. |
495 |
Sherpa. On the Move to Open Collaborative, Development |
313 |
Laurino, O.; Siemiginowska, A.; Evans, J.; Aldcroft, T.; Burke, D. J.; McDowell, J.; McLaughlin, W.; Nguyen, D. |
512 |
The VO: A Powerful Tool for Global Astronomy |
65 |
Arviset, C.; Allen, M.; Aloisi, A.; Berriman, B.; Boisson, C.; Cecconi, B.; Ciardi, D.; Evans, J.; Fabbiano, G.; Genova, F.; Jenness, T.; Mann, B.; McGlynn, T.; O'Mullane, W.; Schade, D.; Stoehr, F.; Zacchi, A. |
521 |
Sherpa, Python, and Astronomy. A Successful Co-evolution. |
479 |
Laurino, O.; Burke, D.; Evans, J.; McLaughlin, W.; Nguyen, D.; Siemiginowska, A. |
535 |
Flexible Workflow Definitions for Reproducibility in Complex Systems |
57 |
Terrell, M.; Laurino, O.; McLaughlin, W.; Evans, J. |