Fusi Pecci, Flavio

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
11 Alternative evolutionary approaches to the absolute magnitude of the RR Lyrae variables 31 Fusi Pecci, Flavio; Cacciari, Carla; Buonanno, Roberto
13 Ruprecht 106: A Young Metal-Poor Calactic Globular Cluster 240 Buonanno, Roberto; Buscema, Guido; Fusi Pecci, Flavio; Richer, Harvey B.; Fahlman, Gregory C.
167 Biases in the Main Sequence Fitting Distances to Globular Clusters based on the Hipparcos Catalogue 255 Carretta, Eugenio; Gratton, Raffaele G.; Clementini, Gisella; Fusi Pecci, Flavio