Gnata, X.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
314 End to End Simulation of the JWST/NIRSpec Instrument 501 Gnata, X.; Ferruit, P.; Pecontal-Rousset, A.
394 Algorithms to Model the Multi-Object Spectrograph JWST/NIRSpec Instrument 673 Gnata, X.; Ferruit, P.
394 JWST Project - Instrument Performance Simulator of the NIRSpec Spectrograph 693 Piqueras, L.; Legay, P-J.; Legros, E.; Gnata, X.; Jarno, A.; Ferruit, P.; Pecontal, A.; Quemener, E.; Mosner, P.
442 First Simulation and Data Reduction of a JWST/NIRSpec Observation 343 Dorner, B.; Ferruit, P.; Piquéras, L.; Legros, E.; Pécontal, A.; Jarno, A.; Pons, A.; Gnata, X.; Pacifici, C.