Incardona, F.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
532 The Architectural Design for the Logging, Monitoring and Alarm System for the ASTRI Mini-Array 31 Costa, A.; Tosti, G.; Schwarz, J.; Bruno, P.; Bulgarelli, A.; Calanducci, A.; Germani, S.; Grillo, A.; Incardona, F.; Sciacca, E.; Vitello, F.; Conforti, V.; Gianotti, F.; Russo, F.
535 Optimization of the Storage Database for the Monitoring System of the CTA 141 Incardona, F.; Costa, A.; Munari, K.; Bruno, P.; Germani, S.; Grillo, A.; Oya, I.; Neise, D.; Sciacca, E.