Kavelaars, J. J.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
182 On the Relation Between Globular Cluster Specific Frequency and Galaxy Type 437 Kavelaars, J. J.
442 Virtualization and Grid Utilization within the CANFAR Project 61 Gaudet, S.; Armstrong, P.; Ball, N.; Chapin, E.; Dowler, P.; Gable, I.; Goliath, S.; Fabbro, S.; Ferrarese, L.; Gwyn, S.; Hill, N.; Jenkins, D.; Kavelaars, J. J.; Major, B.; Ouellette, J.; Paterson, M.; Peddle, M.; Pritchet, C.; Schade, D.; Sobie, R.; Woods, D.; Woodley, K.; Yeung, A.
532 Automatic Processing of 80% of the Gemini NIFS Archive 373 Comeau, N.; Bohlender, D.; Goliath, S.; Gwyn, S.; Fabbro, S.; Kavelaars, J. J.
535 A deep learning approach to the discovery of anonymous Kuiper Belt Objects in wide-field imaging 95 Lee, A.; Kavelaars, J. J.; Teimoorinia, H.; Fraser, W. C.; Ashton, E.