Leone, F. |
Volume |
Paper Title |
Page Number |
Authors |
44 |
Periodic Radio Emission from the Helium Rich Stars HD37017 and Sigma-Orionis |
541 |
Leone, F.; Umana, G. |
44 |
Photometric Properties of Cp-Stars in the Infrared |
605 |
Catalano, F. A.; Leone, F.; Kroll, R. |
60 |
Spectral Classification and Incidence of the Upper Main Sequence Chemically Peculiar Stars |
110 |
Catalano, F. A.; Leone, F. |
307 |
The High Resolution Spectropolarimeter of the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo |
51 |
Leone, F. |
358 |
Multi-Line Spectro-Polarimetry of Stellar Magnetic Fields Using Principal Components Analysis |
355 |
Semel, M.; Rees, D.E.; Ramirez Velez, J.C.; Stift, M.J.; Leone, F. |
358 |
PCA Technique Applied to the Detection of ZDI Circular Polarization in Solar-Type Stars |
405 |
Ramirez Velez, J.C.; Semel, M.; Stift, M.J.; Leone, F. |
479 |
Modelling the Magnetic Field Geometry of the Rapidly Oscillating Star HD 154708 with an Extraordinarily Strong Magnetic Field |
125 |
Stift, M. J.; Hubrig, S.; Leone, F.; Mathys, G. |
526 |
Measuring the Effective Magnetic Field of Cold Active Star
ε Eri Using the "Slope" Method |
185 |
Scalia, C.; Leone, F.; Gangi, M. |
526 |
Detection of Linear Polarization in the Metal Lines of 89 Herculis |
203 |
Gangi, M.; Leone, F.; Scalia, C. |