Lucas, R. |
Volume |
Paper Title |
Page Number |
Authors |
9 |
Molecules in the envelopes of old stars |
429 |
Lucas, R. |
59 |
Interferometer Observations of Circumstellar Envelopes with the Ram Plateau de Bure Interferometer |
135 |
Lucas, R. |
133 |
Simulations of NGST Observations of Ultraluminous IR Galaxies |
233 |
Bushouse, H.; Colina, L.; Lucas, R.; Borne, K. |
156 |
Molecular Absorption in the Local Diffuse Interstellar Medium |
188 |
Liszt, H.; Lucas, R. |
217 |
The High-Resolution OTF Survey of the 12CO in M31 |
72 |
Neininger, N.; Nieten, Ch.; Wielebinski, R.; Guélin, M.; Lucas, R.; Ungerechts, H. |
217 |
Imaging at the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer |
299 |
Guilloteau, S.; Lucas, R. |
235 |
Millimeter-wave Absorption Studies of Molecules in Diffuse Clouds |
142 |
Lucas, R.; Liszt, H. |
314 |
ALMA On-Line Calibration Software |
101 |
Broguiere, D.; Cosson, F.; Hafok, H.; Lucas, R.; Pardo, J. |
314 |
Interoperating GILDAS and MIRIAD |
416 |
Pety, J.; Gueth, F.; Guilloteau, S.; Lucas, R.; Teuben, P.J.; Wright, M.C.H. |
356 |
Characteristics and Performance of the North American ALMA Prototype Antenna |
253 |
Mangum, J.G.; Baars, J.W.M.; Greve, A.; Lucas, R.; Snel, R.; Wallace, P. |
378 |
Mapping 12CO J =2–1 and 1–0 Line Emission in CSEs around AGB and Early Post-AGB Stars |
199 |
Castro-Carrizo, A.; Neri, R.; Winters, J.M.; Grewing, M.; Lucas, R.; Bujarrabal, V.; Quintana-Lacaci, G.; Alcolea, J.; Schoeier, F. L.; Olofsson, H.; Lindqvist, M. |
442 |
TELCAL: The On-line Calibration Software for ALMA |
277 |
Broguière, D.; Lucas, R.; Pardo, J.; Roche, J.-C. |