Matthews, B. C.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
168 Protostars in the Molecular ISM: Probing their Structure with SCUBA at the JCMT 252 Matthews, B. C.; Wilson, C. D.
168 The Final Session - 10 Questions, 10 Responses 467 Matthews, B. C.; Clarke, T. E.; Allen, M. L.
449 POL-2: The SCUBA-2 Polarimeter 68 Bastien, P.; Bissonnette, E.; Simon, A.; Coudé, S.; Ade, P.; Savini, G.; Pisano, G.; Leclerc, M.; Bernier, S.; Landry, J.; Houde, M.; Hezareh, T.; Naylor, D. A.; Gom, B. G.; Jenness, T.; Berry, D. S.; Johnstone, D.; Matthews, B. C.
449 Multi-Scale Analysis of Magnetic Fields in and around OMC-1, OMC-2, and OMC-3 105 Poidevin, F.; Bastien, P.; Jones, T. J.; Matthews, B. C.
449 Hertz and SCUBA: Submillimeter Polarimetry of Molecular Clouds from Mauna Kea 163 Vaillancourt, J. E.; Matthews, B. C.
517 The ngVLA Science Case and Associated Science Requirements 3 Murphy, E. J.; Bolatto, A.; Chatterjee, S.; Casey, C. M.; Chomiuk, L.; Dale, D.; de Pater, I.; Dickinson, M.; Francesco, J. D.; Hallinan, G.; Isella, A.; Kohno, K.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Lang, C.; Lazio, T. J. W.; Leroy, A. K.; Loinard, L.; Maccarone, T. J.; Matthews, B. C.; Osten, R. A.; Reid, M. J.; Riechers, D.; Sakai, N.; Walter, F.; Wilner, D.
517 Indirect Detection of Extrasolar Planets via Astrometry 185 Butler, B. J.; Matthews, B. C.