Medupe, R.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
135 The Problem of Mode Identification in roAp Stars: Multi-Colour Photometry 197 Medupe, R.; Kurtz, D. W.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.
203 Studies of Non-adiabatic Effects on Radial Pulsations in the Atmospheres of Rapidly Oscillating Ap Stars 451 Medupe, R.; Kurtz, D. W.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.
203 First Results of the 17th DSN Campaign: Photometry of XX Pyx 469 Arentoft, T.; Handler, G.; Shobbrook, R. R.; Wood, M. A.; Crause, L.; Crake, P.; Podmore, F.; Habanyama, A.; Oswalt, T.; Birch, P. V.; Lowe, G.; Sterken, C.; Meintjes, P.; Brink, J.; Claver, C. F.; Medupe, R.; Guzik, J. A.; Beach, T. E.; Martinez, P.; Leibowitz, E. M.; Ibbetson, P. A.; Smith, T.; Ashoka, B. N.; Raj, N. E.; Kurtz, D. W.; Balona, L. A.; Costa, J. E. S.; Breger, M.
203 Radial Pulsation of the roAp Star HD 122970? 490 Handler, G.; Paunzen, E.; Garrido, R.; Guzik, J. A.; Beach, T. E.; Medupe, R.; Chagnon, F.; Shobbrook, R. R.; Matthews, J. M.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Hatzes, A. P.
259 Applications of Non-Adiabatic Radial Pulsation Equations to roAp Stars 296 Medupe, R.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Kurtz, D. W.
305 Radial Oscillations in A Stars 146 Medupe, R.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Kurtz, D. W.
372 Abell 43 and PG 0122+200: a Look at the Beginning and at the End of the PG 1159 Instability Strip 641 Vauclair, G.; Solheim, J.-E.; Fu, J.-N.; Chevreton, M.; Dolez, N.; O'Brien, M.S.; Mukadam, A.S.; Kim, S.-L.; Park, B.-G.; Handler, G.; Medupe, R.; Wood, M.; Gonzalez Perez, J.; Hashimoto, O.; Kinugasa, K.; Taguchi, H.; Kambe, E.; Dobrovolskas, V.; Provencal, J.L.; Dreizler, S.; Schuh, S.; Leibowitz, E.M.; Lipkin, Y.; Zhang, X.-B.; Paparo, M.; Szeidl, B.; Viraghalmy, G.; Zsuffa, D.