Molodij, G.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
118 Analysis of Image Quality After Correction Using the T.H.E.M.I.S. Image Stabilizer Optical System 346 Molodij, G.; Rayrole, J.
236 Multi-line Spectropolarimetry at THÉMIS 9 Paletou, F.; Molodij, G.
236 THÉMIS Observations of the Second Solar Spectrum 141 Trujillo Bueno, J.; Collados, M.; Paletou, F.; Molodij, G.
248 THEMIS Multi-Line Spectropolarimetry 617 Paletou, F.; Molodij, G.
358 UNNOFIT Inversion of Spectro-Polarimetric Maps Observed with THEMIS 119 Bommier, V.; Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.; Landolfi, M.; Molodij, G.
358 Interpretation of the Second Solar Spectrum of the Sr I 4607 Å Line Observed at THEMIS and Pic-du-Midi 120 Derouich, M.; Bommier, V.; Malherbe, J.-M.; Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.; Molodij, G.; Sahal-Brechot, S.
358 Major Effects of Line Asymmetries in Solar Magnetic Field Measurements from Simultaneous Multi-Wavelength Observations 132 Molodij, G.; Rayrole, J.
358 Second Spectrum of Na I D1 Observed with THEMIS 231 Bommier, V.; Molodij, G.
358 Multi-Line Determination of the Turbulent Magnetic Field from the Second Solar Spectrum of MgH 317 Bommier, V.; Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.; Molodij, G.
370 Is the Solar Intranetwork Field a Resolved Turbulent Field? 81 Bommier, V.; Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.; Landolfi, M.; Molodij, G.
454 Velocity Vector, Ionization Degree, and Temperature of Prominence Fine Structures Observed by Hinode/SOT 107 Schmieder, B.; Mein, P.; Chandra, R.; Molodij, G.; Heinzel, P.; Berlicki, A.; Schwartz, P.; Fárník, F.; Labrosse, N.; Anzer, U.; Watanabe, T.