Pandey, V. N.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
527 An Integrated HPC System for the LOFAR EoR Project 473 Pandey, V. N.; Koopmans, L. V. E.; Tiesinga, E.; Albers, W.; Koers, H. U. A.
527 ASTRON Computing Research and Development 755 Jansen, W.; Boonstra, A. J.; Broekema, P. C.; Coolen, A. X. C.; Dijkema, T. J.; Loose, G. M.; Mevius, M.; Pandey, V. N.; Romein, J. W.; Tol, S.; Veenboer, B.; Yatawatta, S.
535 Astronomical data organization, management and access in Scientific Data Lakes 437 Grange, Y. G.; Pandey, V. N.; Espinal, X.; Di Maria, R.; Millar, A. P.