Pettini, Max

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
116 Star-Forming Galaxies at Z approximates 3: Bulges and Ellipticals in Their Infancy? 534 Giavalisco, Mauro; Steidel, Charles C.; Pettini, Max; Dickinson, Mark E.; Adelberger, Kurt L.
148 The Discovery of Primeval Galaxies and the Epoch of Galaxy Formation 67 Pettini, Max; Steidel, C. C.; Adelberger, K. L.; Kellogg, M.; Dickinson, M.; Giavalisco, M.
215 Mining for Metals in the Lyα Forest 283 Ellison, Sara L.; Schaye, Joop; Pettini, Max; Songaila, Antoinette
253 The Impact on the Intergalactic Medium by Galaxies at Redshift z = 3. 181 Pettini, Max
283 Physical Conditions in Lyman Break Galaxies Derived From Rest-Frame UV Spectra 365 Shapley, Alice E.; Steidel, Charles C.; Adelberger, Kurt L.; Pettini, Max
283 Near-IR Integral Field Spectroscopy of High-z Galaxies 392 Bunker, Andrew; Ferguson, Annette; Johnson, Rachel; McMahon, Richard; Parry, Ian; Pettini, Max; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso; Somerville, Rachel; Vogt, Nicole