Price, S.D.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
177 MSX Observations of the Galactic Center 314 Shipman, R. F.; Egan, M.P.; Price, S.D.; Kuchar, T.A.; Carey, S.J.
317 Mid-Infrared Surveys of the Galactic Plane 123 Price, S.D.; Omont, A.
317 Large-Scale Observations of Galactic Star Forming Regions with the Midcourse Space Experiment 145 Kraemer, K.E.; Price, S.D.; Shipman, R.F.; Mizuno, D.R.; Kuchar, T.; Carey, S.J.
412 IRS Spectra of Unusual Evolved Objects in the Magellanic Clouds 239 Kraemer, K.E.; Sloan, G.C.; Bernard-Salas, J.; Wood, P.R.; Price, S.D.; Zijlstra, A.A.; Egan, M.P.; Houck, J.R.
412 Warm Era COBE DIRBE Infrared Light Curves of Dusty Evolved Stars 247 Smith, B.J.; Price, S.D.