Stauffer, J.R.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
243 Chandra Observations of the Young Open Cluster NGC 2516 621 Flaccomio, E.; Damiani, F.; Micela, G.; Pizzolato, N.; Sciortino, S.; Adams, N.R.; Drake, J.J.; Evans, N.R.; Freeman, P.; Harnden, F.R., Jr.; Jeffries, R.D.; Kashyap, V.; Patten, B.M.; Schachter, J.F.; Stauffer, J.R.; Wolk, S.J.; Zombeck, M.V.
324 Stellar Ages: Harder Than Most People Seem to Think 100 Stauffer, J.R.
384 Rotation In Young Stars 327 Rebull, L.M.; Stauffer, J.R.; Wolff, S.C.; Strom, S.E.