Teuben, P.J.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
314 Interoperating GILDAS and MIRIAD 416 Pety, J.; Gueth, F.; Guilloteau, S.; Lucas, R.; Teuben, P.J.; Wright, M.C.H.
314 Genetic Programming and other Fitting Techniques in Galactic Dynamics 621 Teuben, P.J.
314 The CARMA Control System 708 Gwon, C.; Beard, A.D.; Daniel, P.; Hobbs, R.; Scott, S.L.; Kraybill, J.C.; Leitch, E.; Mehringer, D.M.; Plante, R.; Amarnath, N.S.; Pound, M.W.; Rauch, K.P.; Teuben, P.J.
314 The CARMA Monitor System (CAM) - Transforming Cyclically Collected Telemetry into a Linear Stream 720 Amarnath, N.S.; Scott, S.L.; Kraybill, J.C.; Beard, A.D.; Daniel, P.; Gwon, C.; Hobbs, R.; Leitch, E.; Mehringer, D.M.; Plante, R.; Pound, M.W.; Rauch, K.P.; Teuben, P.J.
314 The CARMA Software System 768 Scott, S.L.; Amarnath, N.S.; Beard, A.D.; Daniel, P.; Gwon, C.; Hobbs, R.; Kraybill, J.C.; Leitch, E.; Mehringer, D.M.; Plante, R.; Pound, M.W.; Rauch, K.P.; Teuben, P.J.
376 Athena: a Grid-Based Code for Astrophysical Gas Dynamics 93 Teuben, P.J.; Stone, J.; Gardiner, T.
376 Next Generation of Visualization Tools for Astrophysics 690 Gheller, C.; Becciani, U.; Teuben, P.J.