Tomono, D.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
124 UV radiation in the Rho OPH dark cloud 272 Yui, Y. Y.; Tomono, D.; Onaka, T.; Nakagawa, T.; Shibai, H.; Okuda, H.
124 Observations of the rho Ophiuchi Cloud with the ISO/LWS and SWS 278 Tomono, D.; Onaka, T.; Yamashita-Yui, Y.; Nakagawa, T.; Shibai, H.
280 CROMOS: A cryogenic near-infrared fiber multi-object spectrometer 131 Tomono, D.; Hofmann, R.; Genzel, R.; Weisz, H.; Bender, R.
373 Silicate Emission in AGN: Emission from the Torus or (and) Extended Emission? 501 Schweitzer, M.; Lutz, D.; Sturm, E.; Genzel, R.; Veilleux, S.; Rupke, D.; Kim, D.-C.; Baker, A.J.; Groves, B.; Tomono, D.; Netzer, H.; Sternberg, A.