Ueda, J.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
476 Reformation of Cold Molecular Disks in Merger Remnants 61 Ueda, J.; Iono, D.; Yun, M.; Wilner, D.; Narayanan, D.; Hatsukade, B.; Tamura, Y.; Kaneko, H.; Crocker, A.; Espada, D.; Kawabe, R.
476 ALMA Observations of the IR-Bright Merger VV114 287 Saito, T.; Iono, D.; Yun, M.; Ueda, J.; Espada, D.; Hagiwara, Y.; Imanishi, M.; Motohara, K.; Nakanishi, K.; Sugai, H.; Tateuchi, K.; Kawabe, R.
476 Discovery of the rotating molecular outflow and disk in the Class-0/I protostar [BHB2007]#11 in Pipe 373 Hara, C.; Kawabe, R.; Shimajiri, Y.; Ueda, J.; Kurono, Y.; Tsukagoshi, T.; Nakamura, F.; Saito, M.; Wilner, D.
477 Charting the Evolution of Merger Remnants Through Molecular Gas Observations 297 Iono, D.; Ueda, J.; Yun, M. S.; Crocker, A.; Espada, D.; Hatsukade, B.; Kaneko, H.; Kawabe, R.; Narayanan, D.; Tamura, Y.
477 Unveiling the Physical Properties and Kinematics of Molecular Gas in the Antennae Galaxies with the SMA 311 Ueda, J.; Iono, D.; Petitpas, G.; Yun, M. S.; Ho, P. T. P.; Kawabe, R.; Mao, R.-Q.; Martín, S.; Matsushita, S.; Peck, A. B.; Tamura, Y.; Wang, J.; Wang, Z.; Wilson, C. D.; Zhang, Q.
499 Dusty, Intensively Star Forming Hα Emitters (HAEs) in Protocluster 4C23.56 27 Lee, M.; Suzuki, K.; Kohno, K.; Tamura, Y.; Iono, D.; Hatsukade, B.; Nakanishi, K.; Tanaka, I.; Kodama, T.; Tadaki, K.; Ikarashi, S.; Ueda, J.; Umehata, H.; Saito, T.; Kawabe, R.
499 Nobeyama Molecular Gas Observations of Distant Bright Galaxies 65 Kurahashi, T.; Iono, D.; Hatsukade, B.; Matsuda, Y.; Ueda, J.; Saito, T.; Kato, Y.; Michiyama, T.; High-z Legacy Team
499 Diffuse and Dense Gas in Nearby Luminous Merging Galaxies 133 Saito, T.; Iono, D.; Ueda, J.; Yun, M. S.; Nakanishi, K.; Imanishi, M.; Hagiwara, Y.; Kaneko, H.; Komugi, S.; Espada, D.; Motohara, K.; Sugai, H.; Yamashita, T.; Tateuchi, K.; Lee, M.; Michiyama, T.; Kawabe, R.
499 CO(3-2)/CO(1-0) Ratio of Molecular Gas Outflow in NGC 3256 139 Michiyama, T.; Iono, D.; Ueda, J.; Saito, T.
499 Investigating the Properties of Molecular Gas in Merger Remnants 143 Ueda, J.; Merger Remnant CO Study Team