Wardle, J.F.C.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
300 Studying Circular Polarization with the VLBA 49 Homan, D.C.; Wardle, J.F.C.
340 Six-Frequency HALCA and VLBA Observations of 3C454.3 77 Chen, T.; Wardle, J.F.C.; Roberts, D.H.; Cheung, C.C.; Moellenbrock, G.A.
340 Observations of Oblique Polarization Structures in Active Extragalactic Radio Jets 165 Aller, H.D.; Aller, M.F.; Hughes, P.A.; Homan, D.C.; Wardle, J.F.C.; Roberts, D.H.
340 Concurrent 43 and 86 GHz VLBA Polarimetry Observations of the Quasars 3C273 and 3C279 171 Attridge, J.M.; Wardle, J.F.C.; Homan, D.C.; Phillips, R.B.
340 Multi-Frequency VSOP and VLBA Polarization Observations of 3C 279 and 3C 345 174 Cheung, C.C.; Roberts, D.H.; Wardle, J.F.C.; Moellenbrock, G.A.; Homan, D.C.
340 VLBA Polarimetry: A Faraday Screen in 3C273 195 Ojha, R.; Homan, D.C.; Wardle, J.F.C.; Roberts, D.H.; Aller, H.D.; Aler, M.F.; Hughes, P.A.
386 The Highest Redshift Relativistic Jets 462 Cheung, C.C.; Stawarz, L.; Siemiginowska, A.; Harris, D.E.; Schwartz, D.A.; Wardle, J.F.C.; Gobeille, D.; Lee, N.P.