Wheatley, P.J.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
330 Chandra X-ray Observations of WZ Sge in Superoutburst 257 Wheatley, P.J.; Mauche. C.W.
330 Chandra HETG Spectra of SS Cyg and U Gem in Quiescence and Outburst 355 Mauche, C.W.; Wheatley, P.J.; Long, K.S.; Raymond, J.C.; Szkody, P.
366 The Color of Noise in SuperWASP Data and the Implications for finding Extrasolar Planets 152 Smith, A.M.S.; Collier Cameron, A.; Christian, D.J.; Clarkson, W.I.; Enoch, B.; Evans, A.; Haswell, C.A.; Hellier, C.; Horne, K.; Irwin, J.; Kane, S.R.; Lister, T.A.; Norton, A.J.; Parley, N.; Pollacco, D.L.; Ryans, R.; Skillen, I.; Street, R.A.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; West, R.G.; Wheatley, P.J.; Wilsons, D.M.
372 Monitoring Variable White Dwarfs with WASP 157 Faedi, F.; West, R.; Burleigh, M.; Goad, M.R.; Christian, D.J.; Clarkson, W.I.; Collier Cameron, A.; Evans, A.; Haswell, C.A.; Hellier, C.; Horne, K.; Irwin, J.; Kane, S.R.; Lister, T.A.; Norton, A.J.; Pollacco, D.; Skillen, I.; Street, R.A.; Wheatley, P.J.
372 Testing Magnetic Braking: The X-ray Activity of M Dwarfs in Pre-Cataclysmic Variable Systems 497 Briggs, K.R.; Napiwotzki, R.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Wheatley, P.J.