Zahn, J.-P.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
26 Convective Penetration in the Sun 158 Berthomieu, G.; Morel, P.; Provost, J.; Zahn, J.-P.
26 The Turbulent Tachycline 188 Spiegel, E. A.; Zahn, J.-P.
40 Seismological constraints on convective penetration in the sun 60 Berthomieu, G.; Morel, P.; Provost, J.; Zahn, J.-P.
173 Beyond the Mixing-Length Treatment: Why and How? 121 Zahn, J.-P.
173 Hydrodynamical Simulations of Penetrative Convection and Generation of Internal Gravity Waves 269 Kiraga, M.; Zahn, J.-P.; Stepień , K.; Jahn, K.; Rózyczka, M.; Muthsam, H. J.
173 Mixing Below the Solar Convective Zone 293 Brun, A. S.; Turck-Chièze, S.; Zahn, J.-P.
259 Convective Overshooting: Physical Properties and Seismic Evidence (invited review) 58 Zahn, J.-P.
333 Physical Mechanisms for Tidal Dissipation 4 Zahn, J.-P.
333 Equilibrium Tides in Differentially Rotating Stars 108 Mathis, S.; Zahn, J.-P.
333 Discussion 1: What Did we Learn from the Tidal Evolution Theory? 280 Zahn, J.-P.
333 Miscellaneous Photos--Vol. 333 999 Claret, A.; Gimenez, A.; Zahn, J.-P.