the GOODS team

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
380 Lyman Break Galaxies in the VLT/FORS2 Spectroscopic Campaign in the GOODS-S Field 45 Vanzella, E.; Cristiani, S.; Dickinson, M.; Giavalisco, M.; Lee, K.; Nonino, M.; Rosati, P.; the GOODS team
380 The Spatial Clustering of Mid-IR Selected Sources in the GOODS Fields 409 Gilli, R.; Daddi, E.; the GOODS team
381 GOODS Spitzer IRAC Observations of High-z Galaxies 317 Yan, H.; Dickinson, M.; Giavalisco, M.; Stern, D.; Eisenhardt, P.R.M.; Ferguson, H.C.; the GOODS Team
381 Spitzer Observations of Red Galaxies at High Redshifts 351 Papovich, C.; the GOODS Team; the MIPS GTO Team