Paper Title |
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Authors |
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Light and Gravity |
1 |
Lynden-Bell, D. |
Possible Relevance of Large Scales on Peculiar Velocities: Do We See Giant Attractors? |
13 |
Scaramella, R.; Balesi-Pillastrini, G.; Chincarini, G.; Vettolani, G.; Zamorani, G. |
Large-Scale Structure and the Great Attractor |
19 |
Dressler, A. |
Distances and Peculiar Velocities of Clusters in Centaurus |
31 |
Lucey, J. R.; Lahav, O.; Lynden-Bell, D.; Terlevich, R. J.; Melnick, J. |
The Components of the CBR Motion of the Local Group as Interpreted from the Peculiar Motions of Galaxies |
39 |
Burstein, D. |
The Peculiar Velocity Field Predicted from the Distribution of IRAS Galaxies |
53 |
Strauss, M. A.; Davis, M. |
Mapping Large-Scale Flows in Three Dimensions: Method |
67 |
Bertschinger, E.; Dekel, A. |
Mapping Large-Scale Flows in Three Dimensions: Application |
83 |
Dekel, A.; Bertschinger, E. |
Large-Scale Peculiar Velocities and Gravitational Clustering |
103 |
Kashlinsky, A. |
Reconstructing the Density Field from Peculiar Velocities: A Maximum Probability Technique |
111 |
Kaiser, N.; Stebbins, A. |
A New Method for Three-Dimensional Hydrodynaniic N-Body Simulations of Large-Scale Cosmological Flows |
119 |
Shapiro, P.; Kang, H.; Villumsen, J. V. |
On Determining the D - Log sigma Relation for Elliptical Galaxies using Red CCD Images |
129 |
Wegner, G.; Davies, R. L.; Colless, M.; Burstein, D.; Bertschinger, E.; McMahan, R. K. |
Nearby Redshift Surveys |
135 |
da Costa, L. N.; Pellegrini, P. S. |
CfA Redshift Surveys |
143 |
Huchra, J. P.; Geller, M. J. |
Interconnections between Voids and Other Problems Addressed by Using Available Southern Redshifts |
149 |
Fairall, A. P.; Maurellis, A.; Jones, A.; Kauffmann, G.; Matravers, B.; Ellis, G. F. R. |
Galaxy Formation in Voids |
157 |
Villumsen, J. V. |
The Distribution of over 2000 Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance near Hydra |
165 |
Kraan-Korteweg, R. C. |
Topology of Large-Scale Structure: Recent Results |
173 |
Gott, J. R., III |
Some Interesting Properties of the Galaxy Distribution |
181 |
Lambas, D. G.; Muriel, H. |
Theory of Adhesion for Large-Scale Structure |
189 |
Shandarin, S. |
N-Body Simulations with Non@aussian Initial Conditions |
205 |
Lucehin, F.; Matarrese, S.; Messina, A.; Moscardini, L. |
Correlations of Two Million Galaxies |
213 |
Maddox, S. J.; Sutherland, W. J.; Efstathiou, G.; Loveday, J. |
The reality of large-scale filamentary structure in the Lick map |
225 |
Smith, R. M.; Frenk, C. S.; Maddox, S. J.; Plionis, M. |
Comparing the Abell and ACO Catalogs of Rich Clusters of Galaxies |
233 |
Olowin, R. P. |
Automatic Galaxy Cluster Catalogs |
239 |
Sutherland, W.; Maddox, S. J.; Efstathiou, G. |
Large Shapes of Voids at Late Times |
245 |
Matravers, D. R.; Maurellis, A. |
Cluster-Cluster Correlations |
251 |
Primack, J. R.; Olivier, Scot; Blumenthal, G. R.; Dekel, A. |
N-Point Correlation Amplitudes from the Lick Catalog |
265 |
Szapudi, I.; Szalay, A. S.; Boschan, P. |
On the Kinematical Behavior of Galaxies in Clusters |
275 |
Sodre, L., Jr.; Capelato, H. V.; Steiner, J. E.; Mazure, A. |
Redshifts of a thousand Abell Clusters |
279 |
Andernach, H. |
Real and Imaginary Clusters |
285 |
White, S. D. M. |
QSO's Metal-Absorption Lines |
299 |
Viegas-Aldrovandi, S. M.; Gruenwald, R. B. |
Segregation, Proto-galaxy and Peculiar Motions |
303 |
Giovanelli, R. |
Possible Large-Scale Structures in the Universe |
317 |
Triay, R. |
Domain Walls and Large-Scale Structure |
327 |
Ryden, B. S. |
String Production as a Result of Thermal Fluctuations |
333 |
Marques, G. |
Generation of Non-Flat and Non-Gaussian Perturbations from Inflation |
339 |
Kofman, L.; Blumenthal, G. R.; Hodges, H.; Primack, J. R. |
Primordial Generation of Non-Gaussian Adiabatic Perturbations |
353 |
Matarrese, S.; Lucchin, F.; Ortolan, A. |
A Disk with String-Like Properties |
361 |
Lemos, J. |
The First Stars |
365 |
de Araujo, J. C. N.; Opher, R. |
A Million Mpc3Chunk of the Universe |
371 |
Loveday, J.; Peterson, B. A.; Efstathiou, G.; Maddox, S. J. |
Catalog of Radial Velocities of Galaxies: the Updated Version |
375 |
Palumbo, G. C.; Vettolani, G.; Baiesi-Piilastrini, G.; Fairall, A. P. |
Southern Redshift Catalogs and Plots |
377 |
Fairall, A. P.; Jones, A. |
Workshop Summary |
379 |
Davis, M. |