Title: Galaxy Evolution: the Milky Way Perspective
Volume: 49 Year: 1993 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Majewski, Steven R.
ISBN: 0-937707-68-6 eISBN: 978-1-58381-385-0
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Paper Title Page Authors
The Milky-Way - Clues to a Merger Past 5 Majewski, S. R.
The Age and Formation Redshift of the Milky-Way 25 Lake, G.
Starcounts as a Probe of Galactic Structure 37 Reid, N.
The History of the Galactic Bulge 65 Rich, R. M.
Kinematics Chemistry and Stellar Populations 83 Carney, B. W.
Kinematics and Caution - Monte-Carlo Analyses of Biased Galactic Structure Data 103 Ryan, S. G.; Norris, J. E.
The Dynamical History of the Galactic Disk 125 Freeman, K. C.
Globular Cluster Kinematics 141 Cudworth, K. M.
Destruction of Globular Clusters in Our Galaxy 155 Aguilar, L. A.
Globular Clusters of the Outer Halo as Probes of the Galaxy's Structure and Early Evolution 167 Armandroff, T. E.
Measuring Relative Ages of Galactic Globular Clusters 173 Bolte, M.
Accretion-Induced Heating of Disks in Galaxies 187 Quinn, L. Hernquist P.
Formation and evolution of the galactic bulge and halo - where did the halo gas go 209 Wyse, R. F. G.; Gilmore, G.
The History of Halo Gas in Normal Galaxies 227 Steidel, C. C.