Title: |
New Observing Modes for the next Century
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Editors: |
Boroson, Todd; Davies, John; Robson, Ian
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Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
| |
New Modes of Observing - The Key Issues |
3 |
Robson, I. |
Queue Scheduling - One Approach Toward Evaluating Gains and Drawbacks |
13 |
Boroson, T. |
Telescope Time Allocation: Logic or Lottery? |
22 |
Edmunds, M. C. |
New Observing Modes with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope |
33 |
Kelton, P. W.; Cornell, M. F.; Adams, M. T. |
The Concepts for the Scientific-Technical Operation of the Very Large Telescope |
37 |
Baade, D. |
The Impact of Proposed Observing Modes on the Spanish SM Telescope |
41 |
Hammersley, P. L.; Carranza, J. M. |
The Prediction of Seeing and Other Relevant Climatological Conditions |
47 |
Sarazin, M.; Murtagh, F. |
Building Scheduling Tools for Ground Based Telescopes |
58 |
Chavan, A. M.; Johnston, M. D.; Albrecht, M. A. |
Scheduling Tools for Astronomical Observations |
62 |
Johnston, M. D. |
Improving Observing Efficiency |
72 |
Glaspey, J. W. |
Reactive Scheduling of The UK Infrared Telescope |
76 |
Davies, J. K. |
A System for Long-Term Scheduling of Ground-Based Observatories |
81 |
Miller, G. E. |
Status of Remote Observing and Experience at ESO |
87 |
Wallander, A.; Zijlstra, A. A. |
Remote Observing at Apache Point |
97 |
Gillespie, B.; Loewenstein, H. F.; York, D. |
Remote Observing at the MMT: Past, Present and Future |
109 |
Barg, I.; Foltz, C.; Hanson, B.; Poyner, A. |
Alternate Observing Options at Kitt Peak National Observatory |
114 |
Seaman, H.; Bohannan, B. |
Service Observing at the Anglo-Australian Observatory |
121 |
Ryan, S. G. |
UKIRTSERVICE - a decade of flexible scheduling |
125 |
Howat, S. K. R.; Davies, J. K. |
Coordinated Space and Ground Based Observations (of Blazars) |
130 |
McHardy, I. M. |
The New Technology Telescope Upgrade Project |
134 |
Baade, D.; Chiesa, M.; Duc, T. P.; Wallander, A.; Zijlstra, A.; Aviles, H.; Gitton, P.; Glaves, P.; Gojak, D.; Gredel, H.; Martin, C.; Mathys, C.; Miranda, J.; Nunez, H.; Parra, R.; Pizarro, M.; Rojas, R.; Storm, J.; van de Steene, G.; Weilenmann, U. |
The UKSERVice program at JCMT |
138 |
Coulson, I. M. |
ATIS Dispatch Scheduling of Robotic Telescopes |
145 |
Henry, G. W. |
Improved Scheduling of Robotic Telescopes |
151 |
Edgington, W.; Drummond, M.; Bresina, J.; Henry, G.; Drascher, F. |
Hubble Space Telescope Planning and Scheduling - Experience; Lessons Learned and Future Directions |
158 |
Miller, G. E. |
Queue Scheduled Observing at UKIRT - Evolution not Revolution |
162 |
Bridger, A.; Wright, G. S. |
Flexible Scheduling at JCMT; an Observer's View |
168 |
Padman, R. |
The UKT14 Queueing System |
173 |
Oliveira, F. J. |
The Astronomer - Observer Interface |
179 |
Leibundgut, B. |
Scientific Data Flow at Modern Observatories: an Object-Oriented Approach |
183 |
Peron, M.; Grosbol, P.; van den Berg, R. J. G. |
The VLT Control Software - Local and Remote Support for Operations by Astronomers and Operators |
192 |
Allaert, E.; Raffi, G. |
Observation Scheduling Scheme of the SUBARU Telescope |
196 |
Sasaki, T.; Kosugi, G.; Takata, T.; Kawai, J. A. |
Observing Modes for the Italian Galileo Telescope |
200 |
Alighieri, S. D. S. |
Scientific Archives and New Observing Modes: Convergence in the 21st Century |
207 |
Crabtree, D. R.; Durand, D.; Gaudet, S.; Hill, N.; Morris, S. |
System Independent Pipeline for Ground Based Telescopes |
215 |
Spyromilio, J. |
Communications Infrastructure for New Observing Techniques |
219 |
Sun, T.; McLaren, H. A. |
Real-Time Automated Data Reduction at UKIRT |
223 |
Daly, P. N.; Wright, G. S.; Bridger, A. |
Save The Bits at the Kitt Peak National Observatory |
229 |
Seaman, H. |
New Observing Modes for the Next Century - A Summary |
235 |
Mountain, M. |
Discussion Session |
245 |
Boroson, T. |