Title: From Stardust to Planetesimals
Volume: 122 Year: 1997 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Pendleton, Yvonne J.
ISBN: 1-886733-42-2 eISBN: 978-1-58381-458-1
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Paper Title Page Authors
Jason Cardelli and Interstellar Dust 3 Clayton, Geoffrey C.
James B. Pollack: A Pioneer in "Stardust to Planetesimals" Research 7 Cuzzi, Jeffrey N.
Akira Sakata and Quenched Carbonaceous Composite 17 Tokunaga, A. T.
The Role of Dust in Star and Planet Formation: Observations 25 Chandler, Claire J.; Sargent, Anneila I.
The Role of Dust in Star and Planet Formation: Theory 37 Bodenheimer, Peter
Exploring Planetary Debris Around Solar-Type Stars 49 Backman, D. E.; Werner, M. W.; Rieke, G. H.; Van Cleve, J. E.
First ISO-SWS Results: From Stardust to Planetesimals 67 Waelkens, C.; Waters, L. B. F. M.
Depletions and Interstellar Dust 77 Sofia, Ulysses J.
Composition and Size of Interstellar Dust 87 Mathis, John S.
The Lifecycle of Interstellar Dust 97 Jones, A. P.
Formation of Carbon Particles in Cosmic Environments 107 Frenklach, Michael; Feigelson, Eric
Spectroscopy of the Unidentified Infrared Emission Bands 119 Geballe, T. R.
The PAH Hypothesis: Infrared Spectroscopic Properties of PAHs 129 D'Hendecourt, L.
The Diffuse Interstellar Bands and Large Interstellar Molecules 147 Snow, Theodore P.
Infrared Observations of Interstellar Dust Absorption Features 161 Whittet, D. C. B.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.
The Nature and Evolution of Interstellar Organics 179 Pendleton, Yvonne J.; Chiar, Jean E.
The Compostion and Ultraviolet and Thermal Processing of Interstellar Ices 201 Sandford, Scott A.; Allamandola, Louis A.; Bernstein, Max P.
GEMS and Other Pre-accretionally Irradiated Grains in Interplanetary Dust Particles 217 Bradley, John P.; Brownlee, Donald E.; Snow, Theodore P.
Presolar Grains From Meteorites 227 Bernatowicz, Thomas J.
Stardust to Planetesimals: A Chondrule Connection? 253 Paque, Julie; Bunch, Ted
Processing of Material in the Solar Nebula 271 Lunine, Jonathan I.
Planetesimals from Stardust 281 Weidenschilling, S. J.
Coagulation Experiments 295 Blum, Jurgen
Organic Matter in the Outer Solar System: From the Meteorites to the Kuiper Belt 315 Cruikshank, Dale P.
The Kuiper Belt 335 Jewitt, David; Luu, Jane
Origin and Evolution of the Kuiper Belt 347 Dones, Luke
Organic Volatiles in Comets:Their Relation to Interstellar Ices and Solar Nebula Material 369 Mumma, Michael J.
Chemistry and Mineralogy of Comet Halley's Dust 397 Schulze, Hartwig; Kissel, Jochen; Jessberger, Elmar K.
Organic Components of Cometary Dust 415 Fomenkova, Marina N.
Ion Bombardment of Comets 423 Strazzulla, G.
From Planetesimals to Planets: Contributions of Icy Planetesimals to Planetary Atmospheres 435 Owen, Tobias C.