Title: |
From Quantum Fluctuations to Cosmological Structures
Volume: |
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Editors: |
Valls-Gabaud, D.; Hendry, M. A.; Molaro, P.; Chamcham, K.
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Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
| |
A Brief History of Cosmology |
1 |
Jones, B. J. T. |
The Early Universe |
31 |
Liddle, A. R. |
A primer on Primordial Nucleosynthesis |
63 |
Salati, P. |
Abundances of Big Bang Elements |
103 |
Molaro, P. |
Non-baryonic Dark Matter |
121 |
Berkes, I. |
An Introduction to the cosmic microwave background radiation |
141 |
Partridge, R. B. |
Gold in the Doppler Hills: Cosmological Parameters in the Microwave Background |
185 |
Lineweaver, C. H. |
The Cosmological Parameters from Supernovae |
207 |
Ruiz-Lapuente, P. |
Large-Scale Structure and Galaxy Formation |
223 |
Coles, P. |
Cosmological Numerical Simulations |
279 |
Yepes, G. |
The (greater than half) empty universe |
313 |
El-Ad, H. |
The Physics of Baryons in Cosmology |
329 |
Blanchard, A. |
Clusters of Galaxies and Mass Estimates |
349 |
Sadat, R. |
Galaxy Clusters in Cosmology: Cluster abundance as a probe of structure formation |
365 |
Bartlett, J. G. |
The Extragalactic Distance Scale |
385 |
Hendry, M. A. |
The Age of the Universe |
411 |
Jimenez, R. |
The High Redshift Universe |
427 |
Campos, A. |
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Strong Gravitational Lensing in Cosmology |
453 |
Valls-Gabaud, D. |
Weak Gravitational Lensing in the Universe |
479 |
Brainerd, Tereasa G. |
The Chemical Evolution of Galaxies |
495 |
Matteucci, F. |
Star formation in Galaxies |
529 |
Ferrini, F. |
Chemical Evolution of the Solar Neighbourhood with a Variable IMF |
545 |
Chiappini, C.; Matteucci, F.; Padoan, P. |
Spectral properties of field galaxies up to Z = I in the CFRS |
548 |
Flores, H.; Hammer, F. |
Counts in Cells and Higher Order Clustering in the Optical Red-shift Survey: |
550 |
Hermit, S. |
Star Formation in Disk Galaxies |
553 |
Ledesma, M.; Mosconi, M. B.; Garcia Lambas, D.; Abadi, M. G. |
Direct Detection of WIMPs |
556 |
Pecourt, S. |
Do the Scaling Ansatze for the Evolution of the Correlation Function Agree with the Zel'dovich Approximation? |
558 |
Porciani, C. |
Some Investigations on Gravity in Non-Commutative Geometry |
561 |
Sabiri, M.; Jammari, M. K.; Bardach, M. |
Composite HST Quasar Spectrum and Implications for the Ionization State of the Intergalactic Medium |
563 |
Telfer, R. C.; Zheng, W.; Kriss, C. A.; Davidsen, A. F. |
Omega0 from Small Groups of Galaxies |
565 |
Tozzi, P.; Governato, F.; Cavaliere, A. |
Can We Measure Omega sub 0? |
567 |
Verde, L.; Heavens, A. F.; Mattarese, S. |
Finding Galaxy Filaments Using Voronoi Techniques |
569 |
Wilkinson, M.; Meurs, E. J. A. |
A New Numerical Method For Solving Partial Differential Equations - Selected Lagrangian Weights |
571 |
Williams, P. R.; Nelson, A. H. |
The Formation of Disk Galaxies Using TREESPH on a Parallel Computer |
573 |
Williams, P. R.; Nelson, A. H. |
Decaying Dark Matter and Evolution of Fluctuations |
575 |
Ziaeepour, H. |
Using the Relaxed Stepsize and Steep-angle Approach to Measure The HaII-min Scale-height |
578 |
Hermit, S.; Linden-Vornle, M. J. D. |