Title: From Quantum Fluctuations to Cosmological Structures
Volume: 126 Year: 1997 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Valls-Gabaud, D.; Hendry, M. A.; Molaro, P.; Chamcham, K.
ISBN: 1-886733-46-5 eISBN: 978-1-58381-462-8
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Paper Title Page Authors
A Brief History of Cosmology 1 Jones, B. J. T.
The Early Universe 31 Liddle, A. R.
A primer on Primordial Nucleosynthesis 63 Salati, P.
Abundances of Big Bang Elements 103 Molaro, P.
Non-baryonic Dark Matter 121 Berkes, I.
An Introduction to the cosmic microwave background radiation 141 Partridge, R. B.
Gold in the Doppler Hills: Cosmological Parameters in the Microwave Background 185 Lineweaver, C. H.
The Cosmological Parameters from Supernovae 207 Ruiz-Lapuente, P.
Large-Scale Structure and Galaxy Formation 223 Coles, P.
Cosmological Numerical Simulations 279 Yepes, G.
The (greater than half) empty universe 313 El-Ad, H.
The Physics of Baryons in Cosmology 329 Blanchard, A.
Clusters of Galaxies and Mass Estimates 349 Sadat, R.
Galaxy Clusters in Cosmology: Cluster abundance as a probe of structure formation 365 Bartlett, J. G.
The Extragalactic Distance Scale 385 Hendry, M. A.
The Age of the Universe 411 Jimenez, R.
The High Redshift Universe 427 Campos, A.
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Strong Gravitational Lensing in Cosmology 453 Valls-Gabaud, D.
Weak Gravitational Lensing in the Universe 479 Brainerd, Tereasa G.
The Chemical Evolution of Galaxies 495 Matteucci, F.
Star formation in Galaxies 529 Ferrini, F.
Chemical Evolution of the Solar Neighbourhood with a Variable IMF 545 Chiappini, C.; Matteucci, F.; Padoan, P.
Spectral properties of field galaxies up to Z = I in the CFRS 548 Flores, H.; Hammer, F.
Counts in Cells and Higher Order Clustering in the Optical Red-shift Survey: 550 Hermit, S.
Star Formation in Disk Galaxies 553 Ledesma, M.; Mosconi, M. B.; Garcia Lambas, D.; Abadi, M. G.
Direct Detection of WIMPs 556 Pecourt, S.
Do the Scaling Ansatze for the Evolution of the Correlation Function Agree with the Zel'dovich Approximation? 558 Porciani, C.
Some Investigations on Gravity in Non-Commutative Geometry 561 Sabiri, M.; Jammari, M. K.; Bardach, M.
Composite HST Quasar Spectrum and Implications for the Ionization State of the Intergalactic Medium 563 Telfer, R. C.; Zheng, W.; Kriss, C. A.; Davidsen, A. F.
Omega0 from Small Groups of Galaxies 565 Tozzi, P.; Governato, F.; Cavaliere, A.
Can We Measure Omega sub 0? 567 Verde, L.; Heavens, A. F.; Mattarese, S.
Finding Galaxy Filaments Using Voronoi Techniques 569 Wilkinson, M.; Meurs, E. J. A.
A New Numerical Method For Solving Partial Differential Equations - Selected Lagrangian Weights 571 Williams, P. R.; Nelson, A. H.
The Formation of Disk Galaxies Using TREESPH on a Parallel Computer 573 Williams, P. R.; Nelson, A. H.
Decaying Dark Matter and Evolution of Fluctuations 575 Ziaeepour, H.
Using the Relaxed Stepsize and Steep-angle Approach to Measure The HaII-min Scale-height 578 Hermit, S.; Linden-Vornle, M. J. D.