Title: The George Gamow Symposium
Volume: 129 Year: 1997 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Harper, Eamon; Parke, William; Anderson, David
ISBN: 1-886733-49-X eISBN: 978-1-58381-465-9
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Paper Title Page Authors
Gamow, Alpha Decay, and the Liquid-Drop Model of the Nucleus 29 Stuewer, Roger H.
Influence of Gamow on Early Astrophysics and on Early Accelerators in Nuclear Physics 44 Bethe, Hans
Cosmochemistry in the Early Universe 49 Alpher, Ralph
Prediction of the Cosmic Radiation Background 70 Herman, Robert
Discovery of the Cosmic Background Radiation 84 Wilson, Robert
What George Gamow Did not Know about the Universe 95 Rubin, Vera
Gamow and the Genetic Code 114 Rich, Alexander
Some Personal Memories of George Gamow 123 Teller, Edward
Panel Discussion and Reminiscences of George Gamow 127 Gamow, Igor; Nirenberg, Marshall; Follin, James; Rubin, Vera; Rich, Alexander; Alpher, Ralph; Herman, Robert; Abelson, Philip
Epilogue / Appendix: George Gamow's Publications 140 Harper, E.; Parke, W. C.; Anderson, G. D.