Title: Synoptic Solar Physics
Volume: 140 Year: 1998 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Harvey, Jack; Rabin, D.
ISBN: 1-886733-60-0 eISBN: 978-1-58381-476-5
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Paper Title Page Authors
Synoptic Solar Physics 3 Howard, Robert F.
Understanding the Solar Cycle 17 van Ballegooijen, A. A.
Helioseismology and the Solar Cycle 33 Hill, F.
Synoptic Datasets and Solar Activity Predictions 47 Hathaway, David H.
Solar Magnetic Cycle Inferred from Synoptic Observations 57 Benevolenskaya, Elena E.
Torsional Oscillation Pattern in the Large - Scale Magnetic Field (1910 - 1993) and in the Solar Corona (1940 - 1993) 65 Makarov, V. I.; Tlatov, A. G.; Callebaut, D. K.
New Results Concerning the Solar Oblateness 75 Rozelot, J.; Bois, E.
On the Inner Magnetic Field of the Sun in the Global Magnetic Cycle 83 Makarov, V. I.
Some Questions on Emerging Flux Addressable with Synoptic Observations 91 Leka, K. D.
Asymmetric Magnetic Field Distribution in Active Regions 105 Cauzzi, Gianna; van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia
The Role of Magnetic Shear and New Emerging Fluxes in Producing Large Solar Flares 113 Ambastha, Ashok
Magnetic Synoptic Meteorology 121 Wang, Jingxiu
Helicity of Solar Active-Region Magnetic Fields 131 Canfield, Richard C.; Pevtsov, Alexei A.
Histograms of Synoptic Spectromagnetograph Observations 145 Jones, Harrison P.
New Types and Uses of Synoptic Maps 155 Harvey, J.; Worden, J.
62 Days Around the Sun: A Search for Supergranular Evolution and Giant Cells 161 Strous, Louis H.; Simon, George W.
On the Manifestation of Magnetic Flux Tubes in Observations of the Mean and Background Magnetic Fields of the Sun 171 Demidov, M. L.
Synoptic Data Findings 181 Mouradian, Z.
H alpha Synoptic Observations of Flare-Filament Eruption Complex 1997 April 6 - 7 189 Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Milano, L.; Keil, S. L.
The New "Solar Activity Synoptic Maps" of Observatoire de Paris-Meudon 197 Mouradian, Z.
An Overview of the Results From Synoptic Observations at Kodaikanal 205 Sivaraman, K. R.
Chromospheric Structure and Dynamics-Observations 209 Ayres, Thomas R.
Chromospheric Network Properties Derived From One Year of PSPT Images 223 Ermolli, I.; Berrilli, F.; Florio, A.; Pietropaolo, E.
Chromospheric Network Properties On Short Time Scales From PSPT Images 231 Ermolli, I.; Pietropaolo, E.; Florio, A.; Berrilli, F.
Diachronic Photometric Full-Disk Solar Images 237 Chapman, G. A.
Spectral Irradiance and Magnetic Structures 247 Harvey, Karen L.; White, Oran R.
Luminosity and Chromospheric Variations of Solar Analog Stars 261 Lockwood, G. W.
New Measurements of Magnetic Field of the Sun-as-a-Star: Observations at the Sayan Observatory in 1993-1997 271 Demidov, M. L.; Grigoryev, V. M.
Solar Total Irradiance Variations 281 Lean, Judith; Frohlich, Claus
Variability of the Solar Call K Line over the 22 Year Hale Cycle 293 White, O. R.; Livingston, W. C.; Keil, S. L.; Henry, Timothy W.
NSO/AFRL/Sac Peak K-line Monitoring Program 301 Keil, Stephen L.; Henry, Timothy W.; Fleck, Bernhard
Modelling Spectral Irradiance Variations obtained by VIRGO 311 Fligge, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Unruh, Y.; Frohlich, C.; Wehrli, Ch.
Search for a Robust Index of Long-Term Facular Variations 317 Fligge, M.; Solanki, S. K.
Synoptic Coronal Temperature; Magnetic Field and He 11083 NM Observations 325 Penn, M.; Altrock, R. C.; Henry, T.; Guhathakurta, M.
Simultaneous Observations of the Emission Corona 333 Rybansky, M.; Minarovjech, M.; Rusin, V.
Variation of Solar Coronal Intensity and Temperature in Cycle 22 339 Altrock, Richard C.
Polar Activity of the Coming Global Solar Cycle 23 347 Makarov, V. I.; Makarova, V. V.
Emission Corona and Prominences over Solar Cycles 353 Rusin, V.; Rybansky, M.; Minarovjech, M.
Multiwavelength Observations of a Coronal Hole 363 Gopalswamy, N.; Shibasaki, K.; Deforest, C. E.; Bromage, B. J. I.; Del Zanna, G.
Radio Synoptic Maps and Polar CAP Brightening 373 Shibasaki, Kiyoto
Synoptic Radio Observations 387 Schmahl, E. J.; Kundu, M. R.
Comparison of Microwave and SOHO Synoptic Maps of the Sun During the Whole Sun Month, 1996 401 Gopalswamy, N.; Thompson, B. J.; Shibasaki, K.
Tomographic Reconstructions of the Corona from UVCS/SOHO Synoptic Observations 407 Panasyuk, A. V.; Strachan, L.; Finesehi, S.; Gardner, L. D.; Raymond, J.; Kohl, J. L.; Antonucci, E.; Giordano, S.; Romoli, M.
A Search for Systematic Periodicities in Solar Flares 415 Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Radick, R. R.; Fox, J.
Space Weather Forecasting at NOAA/SEC Using the Wang-Sheeley Model 423 Arge, C. N.; Pizzo, V. J.
Multitaper Spectral Analysis and Wavelet Analysis of Daily and Monthly Sunspot Numbers 431 Komm, R. W.
Geomagnetic Activity and the Solar Wind During the Maunder Minimum 437 Cliver, E. W.; Bounar, K. H.; Boriakoff, V.
National Geophysical Data Center Digital On-Line Database Update 447 Coffey, H. E.; Hanchett, C. D.
Variation of the Solar Granulation Over the Cycle: Previous Results and Future Observations 455 Roudier, Th.; Reardon, K.
The Role of Data Archives in Synoptic Solar Physics 467 Reardon, Kevin
Solar Observational Facilities at Hiraiso/CRL 475 Akioka, Maki
Long-Term Monitoring Studies of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan 483 Sakurai, Takashi
Synoptic Observing Programs at Big Bear Solar Observatory 497 Wang, Haimin; Goode, Philip R.
The Advanced System for Observations of Large-Scale Solar Magnetic Fields on the STOP Telescope at the Sayan Observatory: Present Status, Recent Results and Future Plans 511 Demidov, M. L.; Grigoryev, V. M.; Latushko, T. A.; Osak, B. F.
The USAF Improved Solar Observing Optical Network (ISOON) and its Impact on Solar Synoptic Data Bases 519 Neidig, D.; Wiborg, P.; Confer, M.; Haas, B.; Dunn, R.; Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Gullixson, C.; Craig, D.; Kaufman, M.; Hull, W.; McGraw, R.; Henry, T.; Rentschler, R.; Keller, C.; Jones, H.; Coulter, R.; Gregory, S.; Schimming, R.; Smaga, B.
Solar Patrol for The Third Millennium 529 Kennewell, John A.
SOLIS Instrumentation Aspects 539 Keller, C. U.; NSO Staff
Enhanced Synoptic Observations: A Spacecraft on the Other Side of the Sun 553 Ruzmaikin, A.; Feynman, J.; Harvey, J.; Harvey, K.; Magsonas Team
Toward a Frequency-Agile Solar Radiotelescope 563 Bastian, T. S.; Gary, D. E.; White, S. M.; Hurford, G. J.