Title: Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Structure of the Universe
Volume: 151 Year: 1998 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Byun, Y. I.; Ng, K. W.
ISBN: 1-886733-71-6 eISBN: 978-1-58381-487-1
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Paper Title Page Authors
Searching for Three Numbers 1970-1997: an Overview of Big Bang Cosmology 3 Fang, L.
Introduction to Quintessence 13 Steinhardt, P. J.; Caldwell, R. R.
Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background 22 Ng, K.
Measuring the CMB Frequency Spectrum 28 Staggs, S. T.
Cosmological Implications of X-ray Clusters of Galaxies 33 Suto, Y.; Kitayarna, T.; Sasaki, S.
Testing Structure Formation Models by Space-Scale-Decomposition 42 Fang, L.
Cosmic String-seeded Structure Formation 48 Avelino, P. P.; Shellard, E. P. S.; Wu, J. H. P.; Allen, B.
A Multi-Facet Analysis of Cluster Mass Distribution and Cosmological Parameters 53 Liang, H.
An Inverse-Compton Process for the Excess Diffuse Extreme-Ultraviolet Emission from Clusters of Galaxies 64 Hwang, C.
Statistics of Primordial Fluctuations of the Universe 69 Fan, Z. H.
Cosmological Redshift-Space Distortion of Galaxies and Quasars at High Redshifts 76 Suto, Y.; Magira, H.; Jing, Y. P.; Matsubara, T.; Nakamura, T. T.
Gravitational Intermittent Cascades 82 Chiueh, T.
Weighing Superclusters 89 Ma, C.; Small, T.; Sargent, W.
Near-Infrared Determination of Large-Scale Structures in the Zone of Avoidance 99 Schroder, A.; Kraan-Korteweg, R. C.; Mamon, G. A.
The Physical Properties of the Intergalactic Medium 105 Chen, L.-W.; Fabian, A. C.
Dynamics of Magnetized Spiral Galaxies 112 Lou, Y.
A Model of Quasars and AGNs with Magnetic Monopoles 119 Peng, Q.; Chou, C.
Where is the Inner Lindblad Resonance of Spiral Galaxies? 123 Peng, Q.; Chou, C.
Massive Neutrinos as Dark Matter ?? an Overview of Experiments 129 Wong, H. T.
Reconstructing Nonlinear Stochastic Bias from Velocity Space Distortions 136 Pen, U.
Baryon Crisis and Cluster Mass Estimates 140 Wu, X.
A Positive Gravitational Energy Test Application: alternate gravity theories vs. dark matter 148 Nester, J. M.
DarkMatter and the Problem of Early Cosmological Structure Production 152 Burdyuzha, V.; Lalakulich, O.; Ponomarev, Y.; Vereshkov, C.
Neutralino Relic Density of Minimal Supergravity 156 Barger, V.; Kao, C.