Title: High Resolution Solar Physics: Theory, Observations, and Techniques
Volume: 183 Year: 1999 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Rimmele, T. R.; Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Radick, R. R.
ISBN: 1-58381-009-9 eISBN: 978-1-58381-519-9
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Paper Title Page Authors
The Case for High Resolution in Solar Physics 1 Thomas, J.
Small Scale Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Photosphere: A Simulation Perspective 17 Steiner, O.
Dynamics of Magnetic Elements in the Photosphere and the Formation of Spicules 30 van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Nisenson, P.
High Resolution Observations of the Dynamics of Magnetic Elements 36 Sigwarth, M.; Balasubramaniam, K.; Knölker, M.
Radiative Transfer On Unstructured Triangular Grids 44 Bruls, J.; Vollmöller, P.; Schüssler, M.
Radiative Transfer Effects and Convective Collapse: Size(flux)-Strength Distribution for the Small-Scale Solar Magnetic Flux Tubes 53 Rajaguru, S.; Hasan, S.
Structure of a Facular Region From the Inversion of High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Stokes Spectra 61 Bellot Rubio, L.; Ruiz Cobo, B.; Collados, M.
Origin and Propagation of Fluctuations of Turbulent Magnetic Fields 70 Petrovay, K.
Axisymmetric Sunspot Oscillations 78 Bogdan, T.
The Spectrum of Intensity Fluctuations Across Penumbral Filaments 87 Sánchez Almeida, J.; Bonet, J.
A Model for Penumbral Phenomena 91 Schlichenmaier, R.
New Results of 2D-Spectroscopy of Sunspots 100 Balthasar, H.
Thermal Structure of a Sunspot: An Application of Phase Diversity 108 Tritschler, A.; Schmidt, W.; Knölker, M.
Lifetimes and Motions of Penumbral Grains-Preliminary Results 116 Sobotka, M.; Brandt, P.; Simon, G.
Properties of Sunspots and Pores 124 Denker, C.; Spirock, T.; Goode, P.; Wang, H.
Simultaneous High Resolution Spectroscopy of the Photosphere and Chromosphere 132 Balasubramaniam, K.; Bianda, M.
High Resolution: A Retrospective 140 Dunn, R.
The Dutch Open Telescope: History, Status, Prospects 147 Rutten, R.
The New Swedish Solar Telescope 157 Scharmer, G.; Owner-Petersen, M.; Korhonen, T.; Title, A.
The Advanced Solar Telescope: I. Science Goals 169 Keller, C.
The Advanced Solar Telescope: II. Technical Aspects 177 Beckers, J.
High-Resolution Thermal Infrared Imaging of the Sun: A Pipe Dream? 186 Ayres, T.
Scientific Objectives and Design Concepts of the Optical Telescope and its Observing Instruments aboard Solar-B 198 Suematsu, Y.; The Solar-B Working Group
The Large Vacuum Solar Telescope on the Way to High Resolution 206 Boulatov, A.; Grigoryev, V.; Skomorovsky, V.
Proposed 60-cm Solar Vacuum Telescope with Multi-Channel Facility of UPSO, Nainital, India 213 Verma, V.
Solar Adaptive Optics at the National Solar Observatory 222 Rimmele, T.; Dunn, R.; Richards, K.; Radick, R.
Correlation Tracking and Adaptive Optics Control Using Off-The-Shelf Workstation Technology 231 Shand, M.; Scharmer, G.; Wei, W.
Optimized Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensing for Adaptive Optics and Post Processing 239 Scharmer, G.; Blomberg, H.
An Introduction on Chinese Efforts for High Resolution Observations of the Sun 247 Ye, B.
High Resolution Longitudinal Magnetic Field Measurements Using a Fabry-Perot Lithium Niobate Filter Based Video Magnetograph 256 Mathew, S.; Bhatnagar, A.; Debi Prasad, C.; Ambastha, A.
LPSP & TIP: Full Stokes Polarimeters for the Canary Islands Observatories 264 Mártinez Pillet, V.; Collados, M.; Sánchez Almeida, J.; González, V.; Cruz-Lopez, A.; Manescau, A.; Joven, E.; Paez, E.; Diaz, J.; Feeney, O.; Sánchez, V.; Scharmer, G.; Soltau, D.
Deep Integration Magnetogram with Image Selection and Cross Correlation 273 Deng, Y.; Zhang, B.; Yan, Y.
High Resolution polarimetry with a Balloon-Borne Telescope: The Flare Genesis Experiment 279 Bernasconi, P.; Rust, D.; Murphy, G.; Eaton, H.
Development of an Instrument for the Observation of Solar Hα Flares With Time Resolution of 25 ms 288 Verma, V.
Two-Dimensional Phase-Diverse Stokes Spectrometer 296 Rutten, R.
Tridimensional Spectroscopic Observations of the Sun with a Microlens-Array Spectrograph 303 Suematsu, Y.; Imai, H.; Yoshimura, K.; Ishigaki, T.; Ueno, S.; Hayashi, T.; Ohtani, H.
Phase-Diversity Data Sets and Processing Strategies 311 Paxman, R.; Seldin, J.; Keller, C.
Orthogonalization of Basis Functions for Diagonalized Wavefront Sensing 320 Löfdahl, M.
Object-Independent Fast Phase-Diversity 330 Scharmer, G.
Optimum Apodization for Speckle Imaging of Extended Sources 342 Keller, C.
Spectral and Spatial High Resolution Observations of the Sun with Image Reconstruction and Deconvolution Methods 349 Koschinsky, M.; Krieg, J.; Kneer, F.; Ritter, C.; Wunnenberg, M.
Jets and Eruptions in the Transition Region Observed with CDS, EIT and TRACE 357 Brekke, P.; Kjeldseth-Moe, O.; Tarbell, T.; Gurman, J.
Coordinated Observations of Transition Region Dynamics using TRACE and the SVST 365 Berger, T.; de Pontieu, B.; Schrijver, C.; Title, A.; Scharmer, G.
Small-Scale Magnetic Reconnection in the Quiet Sun 375 Chae, J.
Internetwork Grains with TRACE 383 Rutten, R. J.; de Pontieu, B.; Lites, B.
Dynamical Nature of the Quiet Solar Outer Atmosphere 389 Banerjee, D.; Doyle, J.; O'Shea, E.; van den Oord, G.
Fine-Scale Structure of Coronal Loops and Consequences for Coronal Loop Interactions 397 Kaghashvili, E.; Smartt, R.
Quiet Sun Bright Point Dynamics and Energetics as seen by SOHO and Yohkoh 405 Gallagher, P.; Keenan, F.; Phillips, K.; Prés, P.; Harra-Murnion, L.
Effects of the Spectral and Spatial Resolution on the Detection of K2v Grains 412 Smaldone, L.; Salvatore, A.
Oscillations and Heating in Chromospheric Fine Scale Structures 420 Kariyappa, R.
υ - υ Phase Relations in the Vicinity of the Transition Region Derived from SUMER Observations 426 Steffens, S.; Deubner, F.
Long Lasting Fine Structure in Type IV Radio Bursts and Coronal Effects: Spectrographic, Polarimetric and Heliographic Observations 434 Chernov, G.; Poquerusse, M.; Bougeret, J.; Zlobec, P.
Thermal Starting Plumes, Solar Granulation, and the Excitation of Solar Acoustic Oscillations 443 Rast, M.
The Excitation of Solar Oscillations -- Observations and Simulations 456 Goode, P.; Strous, L.; Rimmele, T.; Stein, R.; Nordlund, Å.
On the Relation Between Solar Oscillations and Granulation 465 Kiefer, M.; Balthasar, H.
On the Relation of Photospheric Oscillations to Meso-Scale Flows 473 Hoekzema, N.; Brandt, P.
Time Series of Solar Photospheric Spectrograms Bisector Analysis 479 Hanslmeier, A.; Bonet, J.; Vázquez, M.
Imaging Spectroscopy of CO Lines Compared with Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer 486 Uitenbroek, H.
High Resolution Information on Granulation from Full Disk Fe Line Asymmetry 494 Livingston, W.; Wallace, L.; Huang, Y.; Moise, E.
Quiet-Sun Variability with the Solar Cycle 501 Kariyappa, R.
Time Evolution of Solar Granulation 507 Hirzberger, J.; Hanslmeier, A.; Bonet, J.; Vázquez, M.
Implementation of a Filter for the Restoration of Solar Granulation Images 515 Sánchez Cuberes, M.; Bonet, J.; Vázquez, M.; Wittmann, A.
Complex H α Loop Activity in a Long Duration Flare 523 Prasad, D.; Gary, G.; Ambastha, A.
H_α Intensity Oscillations in Solar Flares 531 Jain, R.; Tripathy, S.; Bharti, L.; Kumar, B.
Dynamical Motions as Precursors to Activity 540 Keil, S.; Balasubramaniam, K.; Milano, L.; Bayliss, A.; Jones, J.; Clark, J.
Average Properties of Flux Emergence in Young Active Region 5617 551 Strous, L.
Thermal Structure in Sunspots and Dynamic Solar Infrared Granulation Imaged at 4. 8, 12. 4, and 18. 1 Microns 559 Gezari, D.; Livingston, W.; Varosi, F.