Title: The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High Redshift
Volume: 193 Year: 1999 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Bunker, Andrew J.; van Breugel, Wil J. M.
ISBN: 1-58381-019-6 eISBN: 978-1-58381-529-8

Paper Title Page Authors
Observations of Hyron Spinrad 1 King, I. R.; Liebert, J. W.; de Pater, I.
The 3CR Sample - 1962-1999 11 Longair, M. S.
Complete Samples of Radio Sources 23 McCarthy, P. J.
The Early Evolution of Radio Galaxy Hosts 34 Dey, A.
Ultra-Steep Spectrum Radio Galaxies at Hy Redshifts 44 van Breugel, W.; De Breuck, C.; Stanford, S. A.; Röttgering, H.; Miley, G.; Stern, D.; Minniti, D.; Carilli, C.
The Vigor of Radio Astronomy at Hy Age: A Review of Faint Radio Source Population 55 Windhorst, R. A.; Hopkins, A.; Richards, E. A.; Waddington, I.
Ionisation, Shocks, and Evolution of the Emission Line Gas of z &sim 1 Radio Galaxies 71 Best, P. N.; Röttgering, H. J.; Longair, M. S.
High-z Radio Galaxies and the 'Youth-Redshift Degeneracy' 75 Blundell, K. M.; Rawlings, S.
The Ages of Compact, Steep-Spectrum Quasars 79 de Silva, E.; Saunders, R.; Baker, J.; Hunstead, R.
Star Formation and Polarization in Aligned Radio Galaxies 83 De Young, D. S.
The Nature of the Compact/Symmetric Near-IR Continuum Source in 4C 40.36 86 Egami, E.; Arumus, L.; Neugebauer, G.; Soifer, B. T.; Evans, A. S.; Murphy, T. W., Jr.
No Evidence for a 'Redshift Cut-Off' for the Most Powerful Classical Double Radio Sources 90 Jarvis, M. J.; Rawlings, S.; Willott, C. J.; Blundell, K. M.; Eales, S.; Lacy, M.
HST Imaging of Two z > 4 Radio Galaxies 94 Lacy, M.
Infrared Spectroscopy of the High Redshift Radio Galaxy MRC 2025-218 and a Neighboring Extremely Red Galaxy 98 Larkin, J. E.; McLean, I. S.; Graham, J. R.; Becklin, E. E.; Figer, D. F.; Gilbert, A. M.; Glassman, T. M.; Levenson, N. A.; Teplitz, H.; Wilcox, M. K.
Keck Spectropolarimetry of z ~ 2.5 Radio Galaxies 102 Vernet, J.; Fosbury, R. A. E.; Villar-Martín, M.; Cohen, M. H.; di Serego Alighieri, S.; Cimatti, A.
A Complete Sample of Millijansky Radio Sources 106 Waddington, I.
HST Images of Radio-Selected Groups 110 Zirbel, E. L.; Oemler, A., Jr.; Allington-Smith, J.; Ellis, R. S.; Dickinson, M.
NICMOS Imaging of High-Redshift Radio Galaxies 114 Zirm, A.; Dey, A.; Dickinson, M.; McCarthy, P. J.; Eisenhardt, P.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Spinrad, H.; Stanford, S. A.; van Breugel, W.
Stellar Population Synthesis Models 121 Bruzual, A.G.
The Formation Epoch of Massive Ellipticals, as Traced by Radio Galaxies 133 Dunlop, J. S.
Distant Disk Galaxies: Kinematics and Evolution to z ~ 1 145 Vogt, N. P.
The Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies as a Function of Galaxy Mass 156 Pahre, M. A.
Mid-UV Spectroscopic Dating of LBDS 53W091 167 Heap, S. R.; Lanz, T. M.; Brown, T.; Hubeny, I.
Evolution of Spheroidal Galaxies at z< 1 from the Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe (DEEP) 171 Im, M.; The Deep Team
Determination of AGN Host Galaxy Ages 175 Nolan, L. A.
CO Observations and the Tully-Fisher Relation at High Redshift 179 Tutui, Y.; Sofue, Y.; Honma, M.; Ichikawa, T.; Wakamatsu, K.; Kazes, I.; Dickey, J.
The Low-Mass Stellar IMF at High Redshift: Faint Stars in the Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy 181 Wyse, R. F. G.; Gilmore, G.; Feltzing, S.; Houdashelt, M.
On the Age Estimation of LBDS 53W091 185 Yi, S.; Brown, T.; Heap, S.; Hubeny, I.; Landsman, W.; Lanz, T.; Sweigart, A.
The Evolution of Galaxies: A View from Toronto 191 Lilly, S.
DEEP'S Field Surveys: The View from Santa Cruz 203 Koo, D. C.
The View of Galaxy Formation from Hawaii: Seeing the Dark Side of the Universe 213 Cowie, L. L.; Barger, A. J.
Deep Field Surveys: The View from Pasadena 224 Hogg, D. W.
High Redshift Galaxies and the Hubble Deep Fields 234 Dickinson, M.
Galaxy counts at 450 μm and 850 μm 246 Blain, A. W.; Ivison, R. J.; Kneib, J.-P.; Smail, I.
High-Redshift Galaxies in the NICMOS Parallel Fields 250 Corbin, M. R.; Thompson, R. I.; O'Neil, E.; Vacca, W. D.
The 15 μm Extragalactic Background Light from ISOCAM galaxies 254 Elbaz, D.; Cesarsky, C.; Aussel, H.
The NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey 258 Jannuzi, B. T.; Dey, A.
The Deepest Spectrum of the Universe? Constraints on the Lyman Continuum Background at High Redshift 262 Marleau, F. R.; Bunker, A. J.; Graham, J. R.
Near Infrared Properties of Galaxies in the HDF-N 267 Papovich, C.; Dickinson, M.; Hanley, C.
The HDF, The Arizona View 271 Thompson, R. I.; Weymann, R. J.; Storrie-Lombardi, L.
Deep Sub-millimeter Surveys: Highly Luminous Far-Infrared Sources at High Redshift 275 Webb, T.; Lilly, S.; Eales, S.; Gear, W.; Dune, L.; Clements, D.; Bond, D.; Crampton, D.; Hammer, F.; Fèvre, O. L.
Galaxy Evolution in Clusters: the MORPHS Study 281 Oemler, A., Jr.
Population Gradients in Galaxy Clusters at 0.2 < z < 0.6 292 Ellingson, E.; Lin, H.; Yee, H. K. C.; Carlberg, R. G.
Morphological Evolution in High Redshift Galaxy Clusters 304 Stanford, S. A.
The Star Formation History of Ellipticals from the Fossil Evidence 312 Renzini, A.; Cimatti, A.
X-ray Observations of Groups and Clusters - A Relic of the High Redshift Universe 323 Mushotzky, R.
X-ray Emission from the Host Clusters of Five Intermediate-Redshift 3CR Quasars 336 Crawford, C. S.; Fabian, A. C.; Lehmann, I.; Hasinger, G.; Bremer, M. N.
The Evolution of Stellar Populations in Intermediate Redshifts Clusters. 340 Kelson, D. D.; Illingworth, G. D.; Franx, M.; van Dokkum, P. G.
Extremely Red Galaxies in the Field of QSO 1213-0017: A Galaxy Concentration at z = 1.31 344 Liu, M. C.; Dey, A.; Graham, J. R.; Steidel, C. C.; Adelberger, K.
Near-Infrared Study of Distant Cluster Galaxies 348 Yamada, T.; Tanaka, I.; Kajisawa, M.; Maihara, T.; Iwamuro, F.; Terada, H.; Goto, M.; Motahara, K.; Tanabe, H.; Taguchi, T.; Hata, R.
Structure Formation from Numerical Simulations 353 Thacker, R. J.; Davis, M.
Fundamental Issues in Galaxy Formation 367 Silk, J.
Galaxy Clustering in the CNOC2 Redshift Survey 377 Carlberg, R. G.; Yee, H. K. C.; Morris, S. L.; Lin, H.; Hall, P.; Patton, D.; Sawicki, M.; Shepherd, C. W.
Clustering Properties of Lyman-Break Galaxies 388 Giavalisco, M.
High -Redshift Quasars as Probes of Galaxy and Cluster Formation 397 Djorgovski, S. G.
Observational Tests of the Static Universe Model and the Derivation of the Hubble Redshift 407 Andrews, T. B.
The Clustering of Faint Galaxies on Small Angular Scales 411 Brainerd, T. G.; Law, C. J.; Brauher, J.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Banas, K.
Observations of Candidate z ~ 1.54 Quasar, Host Clusters 415 Hall, P. B.; Sawicki, M.; Pritchet, C. J.; Hartwick, F. D. A.; Evans, A. S.
Structure and Content of the 53W002 "Cluster" at z = 2.4 419 Keel, W. C.; Wu, W.; Windhorst, R. A.; Cohen, S.; Waddington, I.; Pascarelle, S.
Submillimeter-selected galaxies 425 Blain, A. W.; Smail, I.; Ivison, R. J.; Kneib, J.-P.
15 μm Extragalactic Surveys: Source Counts and Properties 437 Elbaz, D.; Cesarsky, C. J.; Fadda, D.; Aussel, H.; Désert, F. X.; Franceschini, A.; Flores, H.; Harwit, M.; Puget, J. L.; Starck, J. L.; Danese, L.; Koo, D. C.; Mandolesi, R.
Near-Infrared Emission Line Searches for High-Redshift Galaxies 448 Bunker, A. J.
Star Forming Galaxies in the Moderately Hy-Redshift Universe 462 Steidel, C. C.; Adelberger, K. L.
Cosmology and the Brightness of the Night Sky 475 Madau, P.
HST/LCO Measurements of the Optical Extragalactic Background Light 487 Bernstein, R. A.
The Extragalactic Background Light: Detections and Limits and their Cosmological Implications 498 Dwek, E.
High-z Galaxies Seen Through Cluster Lenses 509 Benítez, N.; Broadhurst, T.
Completeness and Confusion in the Identification of Lyman-Break Galaxies 513 Cotter, G.; Haynes, T.; Baker, J. C.; Jones, M. E.; Saunders, R.
Dust in High Redshift Starburst Galaxies 517 Gordon, K. D.; Smith, T. L.; Clayton, G. C.
A Serendipitous Search for Hy-Redshift Lyα Emission: A Case Study of Two Sources at z ~= 3 521 Manning, C.; Stern, D.; Spinrad, H.; Bunker, A. J.
The Halo Formation Rate and its Link to the Global Star Formation Rate 525 Percival, W.; Miller, L.; Ballinger, B.
The Results From The NICMOS Parallel Imaging and Grism Survey 529 Yan, L.; McCarthy, P.
Galaxies at High Redshift - 1999 537 Spinrad, H.
Galaxies of Redshift z >5: The View from Stony Brook 544 Lanzetta, K. M.; Chen, H.-W.; Fernández-Soto, A.; Pascarelle, S.; Yahata, N.; Yahil, A.
Galaxies at z > 5: The View from Hawaii 554 Hu, E. M.; Cowie, L. L.; McMahon, R. G.
Searches for Quasars at z > 5 566 Osmer, P. S.
Kinematics of Ionized and Neutral Gas in Damped Lyα Systems 575 Wolfe, A. M.
The First Sources of Light in the Universe 586 Loeb, A.
Reionization of the Universe 598 Gnedin, N.
NICMOS Imaging of Damped Ly-α Absorbers at z =2 603 Kulkarni, V. P.; Hill, J. M.; Schneider, G.; Weymann, R. J.; Storrie-Lombardi, L. J.; Rieke, M. J.; Thompson, R. I.; Jannuzi, B.
Damped Lyα Systems in Semi-Analytic Models: Sensitivity to dynamics and disk properties 608 Maller, A.; Somerville, R. S.; Prochaska, J. X.; Primack, J. R.
ChaMP and the High Redshift Quasars in X-rays 612 Mathur, S.; Marshall, H.; Evans, N.; Green, P.; Wilkes, B.
3D Modelling of the Lyα Radiation from (Proto-)Galaxies 618 Wehrse, R.
Future Ground-Based Radio and Submillimeter Observations 625 Partridge, R. B.
Future Observations with SIRTF and Other Mid-IR/Sub-mm Missions 639 Eisenhardt, P.
The Future Hy-Redshift Universe - A Hy-E Perspective 651 Mushotzky, R.
The Future: Prospects for Observational Cosmology (and Cosmology) - Ground -Based Optical-IR 662 Illingworth, G.
Probing z > 5 with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF (MIPS) 669 Hines, D. C.; Rieke, G. H.; Low, F. J.; Engelbracht, C. W.