Title: |
Cosmic Flows 1999: Towards an Understanding of Large-Scale Structures
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Courteau, Stephane; Willick, Jeffrey
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Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
| |
Questions and Controversies in the Measurement and Interpretation of Large-Scale Flows |
3 |
Strauss, M. A. |
First Results from the Shellflow Survey |
17 |
Courteau, S.; Willick, J. A.; Strauss, M. A.; Schlegel, D.; Postman, M. |
The Convergence Depth of the Local Peculiar Velocity Field |
25 |
Dale, D. A.; Giovanelli, R. |
Bulk-flow and βI from the SMAC Project |
39 |
Smith, R. J.; Hudson, M. J.; Lucey, J. R.; Schlegel, D. J.; Davies, R. L. |
The LCO / Palomar 10,000 km s-1 Cluster Survey |
46 |
Willick, J. A. |
EFAR Peculiar Velocities and Bulk Motions |
54 |
Colless, M.; Saglia, R. P.; Burstein, D.; Davies, R. L.; McMahan, R. K.; Wegner, G. |
The Nearby Early-type Galaxies Survey (ENEAR): Project Description and Some Preliminary Results |
62 |
Wegner, G.; da Costa, L. N.; Alonso, M. V.; Bernardi, M.; Wilmer, C. N. A.; Pellegrini, P. S.; Rité, C.; Maia, M. |
The SBF Survey: First Results on Large-Scale Flows |
70 |
Tonry, J. L.; Dressler, A.; Blakeslee, J. P.; Ajhar, E. A. |
Peculiar Velocities from Type Ia Supernovae |
80 |
Riess, A. G. |
The Mount Stromlo A bell Cluster Supernova Search |
84 |
Germany, L. M.; Reiss, D. J.; Schmidt, B. P.; Stubbs, C. W. |
The Core of the Great Attractor |
88 |
Woudt, P. A.; Kraan-Korteweg, R. C.; Fairall, A. P. |
Data and Analysis of a Large Sample of Early-Type Galaxies and The Fundamental Plane of Nearby Clusters |
92 |
Gibbons, R. A.; Fruchter, A. S.; Bothun, G. D. |
The 2MASS Redshift Survey |
96 |
Huchra, J. P. |
Near-Infrared Galaxy Surveys in 2D, 3D & 4D |
103 |
Mamon, G. A. |
Mass of the Perseus-Pisces Supercluster and the Tolman-Bondi Model |
107 |
Hanski, M. O.; Teerikorpi, P.; Ekholm, T. |
Cosmological Constraints on X-ray Cluster Evolution |
111 |
Voit, G. M.; Donahue, M. |
The Hubble Constant from the HST Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale |
117 |
Ferrarese, L.; The HST Key Project Team |
The Calibration of the Tully-Fisher Relations and the Value of Hubble Constant |
129 |
Sakai, S.; Mould, J. R.; Huchra, J. P.; Hughes, S.; Macri, L. M.; Kennicutt, R. C., Jr. |
Inter-Correlation of Errors in the Tully-Fisher Relation |
134 |
Rhee, M.-H. |
A Robust Method for Measuring the Hubble Parameter |
138 |
Hendry, M. A.; Rauzy, S. |
Calibration of Near-IR Surface Brightness Fluctuations for Cosmological Distance Measurements |
142 |
Liu, M. C.; Graham, J. R.; Charlot, S. |
X-ray Clusters and the Search for Cosmic Flows |
146 |
Lynam, P. D.; Collins, C. A.; James, P. A.; Böhringer, H.; Neumann, D. M. |
Cluster Distances: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly |
150 |
Lucey, J. R.; Smith, R. J.; Hudson, M. J.; Schlegel, D. J.; Davies, R. L. |
Are Recent Peculiar Velocity Surveys Consistent? |
159 |
Hudson, M. J.; Colless, M.; Dressler, A.; Giovanelli, R. |
The Structure of the Local Universe and the Coldness of the Cosmic Flow |
169 |
van de Weygaert, R.; Hoffman, Y. |
A Re-Examination of the Origins of the Peculiar Velocity Field Within the Local Supercluster |
178 |
Burstein, D. |
A New Object-Weighted Measure of the Small-Scale Velocity Dispersion |
186 |
Baker, J. E.; Davis, M. |
A New Estimator of Ω |
194 |
Juszkiewicz, R.; Ferrieira, P.; Davis, M.; Durrer, R.; Feldman, H.; Jaffe, A.; Springel, V. |
Potent Reconstruction from Mark III Velocities |
205 |
Kolatt, T.; Dekel, A.; Eldar, A.; Yahil, A.; Willick, J. A.; Faber, S. M.; Courteau, S.; Burstein, D. |
Eigenmode Analysis of Radial Velocities |
215 |
Hoffman, Y. |
The IRAS Point Source Catalog Redshift (PSCz) Survey |
223 |
Saunders, W.; Oliver, S.; Keeble, O.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Maddox, S.; McMahon, R.; Efstathiou, G.; Sutherland, W.; Tadros, H.; White, S. D. M.; Frenk, C. S. |
Density and Velocity Fields from the PSCz Survey |
228 |
Saunders, W.; Collaborators |
The Behind The Plane Survey |
237 |
Saunders, W.; D'Mellow, K.; Tully, R. B.; Mobasher, B.; Maddox, S.; Sutherland, W.; Carrasco, E.; Clements, D.; Staveley-Smith, L. |
PSCz 1. 2 Jy Comparison: A Spherical Harmonics Approach |
242 |
Teodoro, L.; Branchini, E.; Frenk, C. S.; Saunders, W.; Oliver, S.; Keeble, O.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Maddox, S.; Efstathiou, G.; Sutherland, W.; Tadros, H.; White, S. D. M. |
Reconstructing PSCz with a Generalized PIZA |
246 |
Valentine, H. E. M.; Saunders, W.; Taylor, A. |
Reconstruction Analysis of the PSCz Survey |
250 |
Narayanan, V. K.; Weinberg, D. H.; Branchini, E.; Frenk, C. S. |
Comparing the SBF Survey Velocity Field with the Gravity Field from Redshift Surveys |
254 |
Blakeslee, J. P.; Davis, M.; Tonry, J. L.; Ajhar, E. A.; Dressler, A. |
Cosmological Parameters and Power Spectrum from Peculiar Velocities |
262 |
Zehavi, I.; Dekel, A. |
What is β? |
270 |
Berlind, A. A.; Narayanan, V. K.; Weinberg, D. H. |
What Can We Learn from 1. 2Jy IRAS Fluxes? |
274 |
Rauzy, S.; Hendry, M. A. |
Statistical Characteristics of Large Scale Matter Distributions |
278 |
Doroshkevich, A.; Demiański, M.; Müller, V.; Fong, R. |
Using Perturbative Least Action to Run N-Body Simulations Back in Time |
282 |
Goldberg, D. M.; Spergel, D. N. |
Large-scale Motions in the Universe: Observations and Simulations |
286 |
Gudehus, D. H. |
Redshift Surveys and the Value of Ω |
291 |
Feldman, H. A.; Melott, A. L. |
Generalising the Inverse Redshift-Space Operator: Vorticity in Redshift-Space |
298 |
D'Mellow, K. J.; Taylor, A. N. |
Bulk Motions in Large-Scale Void Models |
302 |
Tomita, K. |
Redshift-Space Density versus Real-Space Velocity Comparison |
306 |
Chodorowski, M. J. |
Peculiar Velocities from the Nonlinear Density Field |
310 |
Kudlicki, A.; Chodorowski, M. J.; Plewa, T.; Rózyczka, M. |
The NOG Sample: Galaxy Systems and 3D Galaxy Density |
314 |
Marinoni, C.; Giuricin, G.; Ceriani, L.; Pisani, A. |
Reconstructions Methods and the Value of β |
321 |
Willick, J. A.; Davis, M.; Dekel, A.; Shaya, E. |
Nonlinear and Stochastic Morphological Segregation |
329 |
Blanton, M. |
A Nonlinear and Biased View of Dark Matters |
337 |
Sheth, R. K. |
Spatial and Velocity Biases |
344 |
Klypin, A.; Kravtsov, A.; Colín, P. |
Mass-to-Light Ratio Measurements of Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters using the Numerical Action Method |
352 |
Shaya, E.; Peebles, P. J. E.; Phelps, S.; Tully, R. B. |
Measuring a Non-Linear Galaxy Biasing Function |
360 |
Sigad, Y.; Dekel, A.; Branchini, E. |
Stochastic Biasing in the Reconstruction of the Large-Scale Structure |
364 |
Seto, N. |
Galaxy Biasing |
371 |
Strauss, M. A.; Frenk, C. S.; Matarrese, S.; Pen, U.-L. |
Testing Homogeneity on Large Scales |
377 |
Lahav, O. |
Status of Cosmology |
389 |
Primack, J. R. |
Cosmic Glows: A CMB Review |
403 |
Scott, D. |
Cosmic Flows 1999: Conference Summary |
420 |
Dekel, A. |
Photo Gallery |
439 |
N/A |