Title: Spectroscopic Challenges of Photoionized Plasmas
Volume: 247 Year: 2001 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Ferland, Gary; Savin, Daniel Wolf
ISBN: 1-58381-085-4 eISBN: 978-1-58381-583-0
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Paper Title Page Authors
Charge Transfer Calculations for Astrophysical Modeling 3 Stancil, Phillip C.
Charge Transfer Experiment 17 Havener, Charles C.
Measurement of Electron Capture Cross-Sections at keV Energies and Charge Transfer Rate Coefficients at eV energies 33 Kwong, Victor H. S.; Fang, Z.; Gao, H.; Chen, D.
Dielectronic Recombination 37 Badnell, N. R.
Dielectronic Recombination: Experiment 53 Müller, Alfred; Schippers, Stefan
Improved Simulation of Astrophysical Plasmas: Computation of New Dielectronic Recombination Data 79 Gorczyca, T. W.; Korista, K. T.
Inner-shell Photoionization, Fluorescence, and Auger Yields 87 McLaughlin, Brendan M.
Photoionization and Heating of a Well-characterized Iron Plasma 117 Foord, M. E.; Heeter, R. F.; Thoe, R. S.; Liedahl, D. A.; Fournier, K. B.; Goldstein, W. H.; Springer, P. T.; Bailey, J. E.; Cuneo, M. E.; Chandler, G. A.; Nash, T. J.; Phillips, M.; Keenan, F.; Rose, S.
Photoionized Plasma Calculations using Laboratory and Astrophysical Models 123 Phillips, M. E.; Keenan, F. P.; Rose, S. J.; Botha, G. J. J.; Foord, M. E.; Heeter, R. F.; Ferland, G. J.
Atomic and Ionic Photoionization Data for Astrophysics: Applications of the Dual Laser Plasma Technique 127 Kennedy, E. T.; Costello, J. T.; Mosnier, J.-P.; van Kampen, P.
Collective Behavior in Photoionization of Outer Atomic Subshells of Noble Gas Atoms 133 Msezane, A. Z.; Amusia, M. Ya.; Baltenkov, A. S.; Chernysheva, L. V.; Felfli, Z.
Collision Strengths for Fine-Structure Transitions 137 Berrington, K. A.
Collision Strengths of Fine-Structure Transitions in Fe X, Fe XI and Fe XIII 151 Tayal, S. S.
Parametric Estimates of Line Broadening due to Quadratic or Linear Stark Effect 155 Artru, Marie-Christine
NIST Databases on Atomic Spectra 159 Kelleher, D. E.; Martin, W. C.; Wiese, W. L.; Fuhr, J. R.; Musgrove, A.; Olsen, K.; Mohr, P. J.; Reader, J.; Sansonetti, J. E.; Podobedova, L.
Standard Formats for Atomic Data: the APED 161 Smith, Randall K.; Brickhouse, Nancy S.; Liedahl, Duane A.; Raymond, John C.
Atomic Data Needs for Modeling Photoionized Plasmas 167 Wolf Savin, Daniel
Photoionization Modeling Codes 175 Kallman, Timothy R.
From Escape Probabilities to Exact Radiative Transfer 197 Hubeny, Ivan
Large-Scale Microturbulence and BLR Emission Lines 221 Bottorff, Mark; Ferland, Gary
Photoionization Models of Inhomogeneous Nova Shells 227 Diaz, Marcos
Codes for Optically Thick and Hot Photoionized Media - Radiative Transfer and New Developments 231 Dumont, Anne-Marie; Collin, Suzy
Numerical Methods for Plasma Dynamics 261 Stone, James M.
Three-dimensional Monte Carlo Simulations of Ionized Nebulae 281 Ercolano, Barbara
Spectral Simulations from a Model Hydrogenic Atom 287 Ferguson, Jason W.; Korista, Kirk T.; Verner, Dima A.; Ferland, Gary J.
Stellar Photoionization Models of the LINER/H II Region Transition Object NGC 4569 295 Gabel, J. R.; Bruhweiler, F. C.
Time Dependent Radiation-Hydrodynamic Simulations of SNR and their Photoionized Precursor Regions 299 Arthur, S. Jane
Parallel Supercomputing In Stellar Atmosphere Simulations 303 Hauschildt, Peter H.; Lowenthal, David K.; Baron, E.; Allard, France
Time Dependence in Plasma Codes 327 Seager, S.
CMFGEN: A non-LTE Line-Blanketed Radiative Transfer Code for Modeling Hot Stars with Stellar Winds 343 Hillier, D. John; Lanz, Thierry
NLTE Model Atmospheres for OB Stars 351 Lanz, Thierry; Hubeny, Ivan
FeII Emission Lines: Numerical Models and Spectroscopic Observations of the Nebula Associated with Eta Carinae 355 Verner, Ekaterina; Ferland, Gary; Gull, Theodore; Ishibashi, Kazunori
An Empirical Ultraviolet Iron Spectrum Template Applicable to Active Galaxies 359 Vestergaard, M.; Wilkes, B.
Grains in Photo-Ionized Environments 363 van Hoof, P. A. M.; Weingartner, J. C.; Martin, P. G.; Volk, K.; Ferland, G. J.
Modeling the Effects of Dust on Ionized Regions 379 Volk, Kevin
Modeling AGN Dust Distributions with the Continuum Radiative Transfer Code DUSTY 383 Nenkova, M.; Elitzur, M.; Ivezič, ž.
The Unified Theory of Absorption Outflows in BAL QSOs and Seyfert Galaxies 387 Vilkoviskij, E. Y.
Reliability in the Face of Complexity - the Challenge of High-end Scientific Computing 391 Ferland, Gary
X-ray Observations of AGN 399 Kaastra, Jelle S.
X-ray Spectroscopy of Accretion Disks and Stellar Winds in X-Ray Binaries 417 Liedahl, Duane A.; Wojdowski, Patrick S.; Jimenez-Garate, Mario A.; Sako, Masao
Ionized Iron Lines in X-ray Reflection Spectra 457 Ballantyne, D. R.; Ross, R. R.; Fabian, A. C.
Weighing Black Hole Masses with Warm Absorbers 461 Morales, R.; Fabian, A. C.
Ultraviolet and Optical Spectroscopy 465 Davidson, K.
Infrared Spectroscopy of Atomic Lines in Gaseous Nebulae 479 Rubin, R. H.; Dufour, R. J.; Geballe, T. R.; Colgan, S. W. J.; Harrington, J. P.; Lord, S. D.; Liao, A. L.; Levine, D. A.
Photoionization Modeling of Infrared Fine-Structure Lines in Luminous Galaxies with Central Dust-Bounded Nebulae 499 Fischer, Jacqueline; Allen, Robert; Dudley, C. C.; Satyapal, Shobita; Luhman, Michael L.; Wolfire, Mark G.; Smith, Howard A.
Spatially-Resolved Spectroscopy of Eta Carinae and Its Ejecta Using STIS 503 Gull, Theodore R.; Ishibashi, Kazunori
Empirical Determination of Fe II Oscillator Strengths in the FUSE Bandpass 511 Howk, J. Christopher
FIFI LS: The Field-Imaging Far-Infrared Line Spectrometer for SOFIA 515 Klein, R.; Henning, Th.; Looney, L. W.; Geis, N.; Genzel, R.; Poglitsch, A.; Raab, W.; Rosenthal, D.
The Kinematics and Physical Conditions in the Narrow-Line Regions of the Seyfert Galaxies NGC 1068 and NGC 4151 519 Kraemer, Steven B.; Crenshaw, D. Michael
FUSE Observations in M27 523 McCandliss, Stephan R.
Implications of Broad-Line Emission in LINERs 529 Shields, Joseph C.; Eracleous, Michael
Photoionization Model Nebulae 533 Péquignot, Daniel; Ferland, Gary; Netzer, Hagai; Kallman, Timothy; Ballantyne, David R.; Dumont, Anne-Marie; Ercolano, Barbara; Harrington, Patrick; Kraemer, Steve; Morisset, Christophe; Nayakshin, Sergei; Rubin, Robert H.; Sutherland, Ralph