Title: Astronomical Site Evaluation in the Visible and Radio Range, IAU Technical Workshop
Volume: 266 Year: 2002 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Vernin, J.; Benkhaldoun, Z.; Muñoz-Tuñón, C.
ISBN: 1-58381-106-0 eISBN: 978-1-58381-602-8
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Paper Title Page Authors
Mechanism of formation of optical turbulence (Invited Speaker) 2 Vernin, J.
Atmospheric turbulence parameters measurements 18 Lukin, V.
Observing at Oukaïmeden through the extended wave system of the upper atmosphere emissive layer 28 Pautet, D.; Moreels, G.; Rousselot, P.; Reylé, C.; Clairemidi, J.
Estimation of the spatial coherence outer scale for daytime observations 36 Seghouani, N.; Irbah, A.; Borgnino, J.
Turbulence amplification (Poster) 44 Chadid-Vernin, M.
Observational methods for the study of optical turbulence (Invited Speaker) 48 Avila, R.
Atmospheric turbulence profiles C2n(h) deduced from solar limb observations 64 Bouzid, A.; Irbah, A.; Borgnino, J.; Lantéri, H.
Turbulence profiling using a scanning scintillometer 72 Chun, M.; Avila, R.
Atmospheric turbulence effects on solar diameter measurements: validation of numerical simulation using data recorded at Calern Observatory 78 Lakhal, L.; Irbah, A.
Simultaneous measurements of the Fried parameter r0 and the isoplanatic angle &thetas;0 using SCIDAR and adaptive optics - First results 86 Weiß, A.; Hippler, S.; Kasper, M.; Wooder, N.; Quartel, J.
Application of wavefront sensors to the analysis and prediction of the imaging performance of a 4m telescope 96 O'Mahony, N.
Measuring turbulence profile from scintillations of single stars 104 Tokovinin, A.; Kornilov, V.
GSM: a monitor of wavefront optical parameters for the site evaluation 114 Ziad, A.; Martin, F.; Conan, R.; Borgnino, J.
Principles of the data reduction software of the VLTI mid-infrared instrument MIDI (Poster) 124 Nafati, M.; Perrin, G.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; Chagnon, G.
GSM Campaign at Oukaimeden: II- Spatio-temporal analysis of the wavefront (Poster) 130 Jabiri, A.; Benkhaldoun, Z.
A generalized solar seeing monitor : M.I.Sol.F.A. (Moniteur d'images solaires franco - algérien) (Poster) 134 Assus, P.; Borgnino, J.; Martin, F.; Bouzid, A.; Chibani, M.; Irbah, A.; Seghouani, N.
Optical parameters for high angular resolution astronomy estimated from the GSM (Generalized Seeing Monitor) experiment at several major astronomical sites in the world (Poster) 138 Martin, F.; Ziad, A.; Conan, R.; Borgnino, J.; Tokovinin, A.
Turbulence effects in narrow-angle astrometry from Scidar measurements at Pic du Midi (Poster) 142 Daigne, G.; Prieur, J.; Avila, R.
Site Characterization for mm/submm Astronomy (Invited Speaker) 148 Radford, S.
220 GHz tipping radiometer for monitoring sky opacity at Hanle 164 Ananthasubramanian, P.; Yamamoto, S.; Prabhu, T.
Comparisons of saturated water vapor column from radiosonde, and mm and submm radiometric opacities at the South Pole 172 Chamberlin, R.
Relation between 183 GHz Water Vapor Line and Water Continuum Absorption Measured with FTS 180 Matsushita, S.; Matsuo, H.
Modeling the atmospheric longwave spectrum: State of the art in the horizon of ALMA 188 Pardo, J.; Cernicharo, J.; Serabyn, E.
IR properties of the GTC 10m telescope site 198 Espinosa, J.; Kidger, M.; Pinilla, N.
FTS measurements of submillimeter quasi-continuum atmospheric opacity terms 206 Serabyn, E.; Pardo, J.
Operation of the IAC water vapour monitors in observatory conditions (Poster) 216 Pinilla, N.; Kidger, M.; Espinosa, J.
Cross-calibration of a GPS water vapour monitor in low water vapour conditions - The La Palma experience (Poster) 220 Kidger, M.; Pinilla, N.; Espinosa, J.
Comparison of atmospheric phase fluctuations with a 22 GHz water vapor line measurements along a single line of sight 230 Asaki, Y.; Hirosawa, H.; Ichikawa, M.; Hirabayashi, H.; Kobayashi, H.; Ishiguro, M.
Atmospheric Phase Correction for Connected-Element Interferometry and for VLBI 238 Bremer, M.
Phase correction of 11.2 GHz interferometric measurements using a pair of 183 GHz water line radiometers at Chajnantor 246 Delgado, G.
Phase Retrieval in Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry 254 Mezaoui, A.; Baudry, A.; Charlot, P.
Anomalous refraction measurements at FCRAO and tip-tilt compensation on the Large Millimeter Telescope 260 Olmi, L.
Phase fluctuation at the ALMA site and the height of the turbulent layer 268 Robson, Y.; Hills, R.; Richer, J.; Delgado, G.; Nyman, L.; Otárola, A.; Radford, S.
183 GHz water vapor monitors 278 Wiedner, M.; Hills, R.; Pardo-Carrión, J.
What can meteorological numerical models do for the astronomers? (Invited Speaker) 288 Masciadri, E.
On-line prediction of astronomical seeing fluctuations with neural networks 302 Aussem, A.; Tran, G.; Sarazin, M.
Utilizing satellite data for evaluation and forecasting applications at astronomical sites 310 Erasmus, D.; Sarazin, M.
Progress in the validation of the atmospheric model Meso-Nh adapted to provide 3D maps of optical turbulence 328 Masciadri, E.
Statistical Analysis for Seeing Climatology: Preliminary Work 336 de Gurtubai, A.; Varela, A.; Muñoz-Tuñón, C.; Mahoney, T.
The ideal site revisited for future ground based telescope projects (Invited Speaker) 342 Sarazin, M.
Daytime seeing measurements for the advanced technology Sslar telescope 350 Beckers, J.
Optical seeing measurements at Cerro La Negra 358 Carrasco, B.; Carramiñana, A.; Avilés, J.
Optical seeing and infrared atmospheric transparency in the upper Atacama desert 366 Giovanelli, R.
Night-time seeing monitoring at Maidanak observatory with differential image motion monitor for the period 1996-2000 376 Ilyasov, S.
GSM campaign at Oukaimeden: I- Optical characterization of the site 382 Jabiri, A.; Benkhaldoun, Z.; Ziad, A.
The contribution of individual atmospheric layers to optical instability over various regions of the NIS countries as deducted from aerological DATA 386 Kovadlo, P.
New astronomical station of Valencia University Observatory 398 López García, A.; Moraño Fernández, J.; Yagudin, L.; Martínez, A.
Site surveying for the FAST in Guizhou province of China 408 Nan, R.; Peng, B.; Su, Y.; Zhu, W.; Zhu, L.; Qiu, Y.; Zhu, B.; Nie, Y.
Oukaimeden as a potential observatory: Site testing results 414 Benkhaldoun, Z.
Indian Astronomical Observatory, Hanle 424 Cowsik, R.; Srinivasan, R.; Prabhu, T.
The "Galileo" telescope at ORM: site characterization 432 Porceddu, I.; Buffa, F.; Ortolani, S.; Zitelli, V.
Comparison of the Pampa La Bola and Llano de Chajnantor sites in northern Chile 440 Sakamoto, S.
Beyond the atmosphere - Other factors in telescope site selection 448 vanden Bout, P.
Site-testing results at the Teide Observatory 454 Varela, A.; Muñ0z-Tuñón, C.; de Gurtubai, A.; Saviron, C.
Site testing in Chile for the extremely large telescope 466 Walker, A.
Site characterization at the "Observatorio Astrofísico Guillermo Haro" (Poster) 470 Ortíz, M.; Carrasco, B.; Carramiñana, A.; Pacheco, S.
Italian site testing activities in antarctica (Poster) 474 Valenziano, L.; Mandolesi, N.
Statistic determination of significative meteorological variables for image quality (Poster) 478 Ferrer, F.; Muñoz-Tuñón, C.
Intensive observing campaign of atmospheric turbulence at San Pedro Mártir (Poster) 484 Avila, R.; Vernin, J.; Azouit, M.; Agabi, A.; Sánchez, L.; Masciadri, E.; Cuevas, S.; Garfias, F.; Harris, O.; Voitsekhovich, V.; Orlov, V.
MERLIN telescopes: New site RFI surveys and a possible new MERLIN Irish, radio telescope (Poster) 488 Gizani, N.; Garrington, S.; Lawson, D.; Shearer, A.; Golden, A.
The astroclimatic station: A Must for any major observatory (Invited Speaker) 498 Muñoz-Tuñón, C.
Site Testing and Site Monitoring for Extremely Large Telescopes 516 Quirrenbach, A.
Antarctic Site Testing 524 Storey, J.; Ashley, M.; Burton, M.
ESO Weather-Watch: an automated service for observatory operation 532 Sarazin, M.
Sky brightness variations, limiting magnitudes and exposure times with large telescopes 540 Dennefeld, M.
Atmospheric limitations to adaptive image compensation (Invited Speaker) 546 Roddier, F.
Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics: Experiment in Atmospheric Tomography 562 Beckers, J.
AO curvature system for segmented primary telescopes 568 Cuevas, S.
Reference beacon design and models of atmospheric turbulence 578 Lukin, V.
Multi Scintillation Layer-Oriented Seeing Monitor 588 Ragazzoni, R.; Ghedina, A.
What kind of adaptive optics for the rotating slit aperture telescope? 596 Touma, H.
Sites and adaptive phasing for 1-10 km hypertelescopes 608 Lardière, O.; Dejonghe, J.; Riaud, P.; Gillet, S.; Arnold, L.; Labeyrie, A.