Title: Astronomical Instrumentation and the Birth and Growth of Astrophysics: A Symposium Held in Honor of Robert G. Tull
Volume: 270 Year: 2002 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Bash, Frank N.; Sneden, Christopher
ISBN: 1-58381-110-9 eISBN: 978-1-58381-606-6
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Paper Title Page Authors
Past and Future Large Telescope Instrumentation: Some General Thoughts 2 Bash, Frank N.
An Overview of Science Results from HIRES: the First 6 Years 5 Vogt, Steven S.
McDonald High Resolution Spectroscopy on Early Galactic Nucleosynthesis 41 Sneden, Christopher
High Sensitivity, High Spectral Resolution, Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy 51 Richter, Matthew J.; Lacy, John H.; Jaffe, Daniel T.; Greathouse, Thomas K.; Zhu, Qingfeng
IO Observations from the Ground and with HST/STIS 63 Trafton, Larry M.
Supergiant Abundances from McDonald to the VLT 71 Venn, Kim A.
The Advance of Infrared Spectroscopy, McDonald Observatory and Some Impacts on Astrophysics 82 Hinkle, Kenneth H.
Astronomical Optics: Back Then ... Right Now ... Soon to Follow 102 Epps, Harland W.
Astronomical Optics at Ratheon 123 Macfarlane, Malcolm J.
Reflections on Astronomical Instrumentation 144 Tull, Robert G.