Title: |
Workshop on Astrophysical Opacities
Volume: |
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Editors: |
Claudio Mendoza, Sylvaine Turck-Chièze, James Colgan
Synopsis: |
Workshop on Astrophysical Opacities
Western Michigan University,
Kalamazoo, Michigan
1-4 August 2017
Reliable atomic and molecular opacity tables are essential to a wide variety of astrophysical models such as solar and stellar interiors, stellar and planetary atmospheres, stellar evolution, pulsating stars, and protoplanetary disks, to name a few. With the advent of powerful observational techniques such as helio and asteroseismology, solar neutrino-flux measurements, and exoplanet probes, new 3D hydrodynamic photospheric simulations that include non-LTE and granulation effects, high-performance atomic and molecular computing, and innovative plasma experiments, the accuracy and completeness of the opacity tables are being taken to unprecedented levels.
The Workshop on Astrophysical Opacities gathered opacity data producers and consumers from both the atomic and molecular sectors to contribute to solving outstanding problems and to develop more effective and integrated interfaces. It was held during the week 1-4 August 2017 at Western Michigan University in the very welcoming town of Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Front Matter |
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Volume Cover |
Front Matter |
1 |
Stellar Opacities and the Solar Abundance Problem |
| |
Stellar Atomic Opacities |
3 |
Turck-Chièze, S. |
Helioseismic Tests of Stellar Equations of State and Opacities |
13 |
Basu, S. |
Equations of State for Opacity Calculations |
23 |
Kilcrease, D. P.; Colgan, J.; Hakel, P.; Fontes, C. J.; Sherrill, M. E. |
The Dark Side of the Sun |
29 |
Trampedach, R. |
Computation and Measurement of Atomic Opacities |
| |
Detailed Opacity Calculations for Stellar Models |
35 |
Pain, J.-C.; Gilleron, F.; Comet, M. |
Including All the Lines: Data Releases for Spectra and Opacities through 2017 |
47 |
Kurucz, R. L. |
New Los Alamos Opacities |
55 |
Colgan, J.; Kilcrease, D. P.; Magee, N. H.; Sherrill, M. E.; Fontes, C. J.; Hakel, P. |
STAR: A New STA Code for the Calculation of Solar Opacities |
63 |
Krief, M.; Gazit, D. |
A Quantitative Comparison of Opacities Calculated Using the Distorted-Wave and R-Matrix Methods |
69 |
Delahaye, F.; Badnell, N. R.; Ballance, C. P.; Palmeri, P.; Preval, S.; Quinet, P.; Ramsbottom, C.; Smyth, R. T.; Turkington, M.; Zeippen, C. J. |
Recalculation of Astrophysical Opacities: Overview, Methodology, and Atomic Calculations |
79 |
Pradhan, A. K.; Sultana N. N. |
Converged R-Matrix Calculations of the Photoionization of Fe xvii in Astrophysical Plasmas: from Convergence to Completeness |
89 |
Zhao, L.; Eissner, W.; Nahar, S. N.; Pradhan, A. K. |
The IRON Project: Photoionization of Fe Ions |
93 |
Sultana N. N. |
Progress on a Double Ablation Front Scheme for Iron Spectral Opacity Measurements in Solar Conditions |
104 |
Colaïtis, A.; Ducret, J.-E.; Turck-Chièze, S.; Pennec, M. L.; Jacquet, L.; Blancard, C. |
Update on the Iron Opacity Experiments on the NIF |
115 |
Perry, T. S.; Heeter, R. F.; Opachich, Y. P.; King, J. A.; Dodd, E. S.; DeVolder, B. G.; Sherrill, M. E.; Wilson, B. G.; Iglesias, C. A.; Kline, J. L.; Flippo, K. A.; Cardenas, T.; Emig, J. A.; Archuleta, T. N.; Huffman, E. J.; Ahmed, M. F.; Schneider, M. B.; Liedahl, D. A.; Urbatsch, T. J.; Bailey, J. E.; Rochau, G. A. |
Computation and Measurement of Molecular Opacities |
| |
An Overview of Molecular Opacities |
125 |
Bernath, P. |
Molecular Line Lists and Absorption Cross Sections Based on Laboratory Measurements |
132 |
Bernath, P. |
The ExoMol Project: Molecular Opacity Calculations at University College London |
137 |
Tennyson, J. |
The Los Alamos National Laboratory Molecular Opacity Project and the Photodissociation Isotopic Effects of H2+ and D2+ |
145 |
Zammit, M. C.; Savage, J. S.; Colgan, J.; Fursa, D. V.; Bray, I.; Leiding, J.; Nisoli, C.; Fontes, C. J.; Kilcrease, D. P.; Hakel, P.; Timmermans, E. |
Accurate and Consistent Prediction of Molecular IR Line Lists Based on Ab Initio Theory and High-Resolution Experimental Data |
155 |
Huang, X.; Schwenke, D. W.; Lee, T. J. |
Stellar Atomic Diffusion |
| |
On the Importance of Atomic Data and Opacities in Evaluating the Effects of Atomic Diffusion in Stars |
169 |
Alecian, G. |
Opacity Enhancement Due to Diffusion-Induced Element Accumulation inside B-Type Stars |
176 |
Hui-Bon-Hoa, A.; Vauclair, S.; Deal, M. |
Hydrodynamical Instabilities Induced by Atomic Diffusion in F and A Stars |
181 |
Deal, M.; Richard, O.; Vauclair, S. |
Stellar Models |
| |
The Role of Opacities in Stellar Pulsation |
189 |
Kanbur, S. M.; Marconi, M.; Bhardwaj, A.; Kundu, R.; Singh, H. P. |
Testing Opacities Using the SED Variability of Chemically Peculiar Stars |
195 |
Krtička, J.; Huang, L.; Lüftinger, T.; Mikulášek, Z. M.; Niemczura, E.; Prvák, M.; Silvester, J.; Wade, G.; Zverko, J. |
METUJE Global Hot Star Wind Models |
201 |
Kubát, J.; Krtička J. |
Rayleigh Scattering as an Opacity Source in Stellar Atmospheres |
207 |
Fišák, J.; Kubát, J.; Krtička, J. |
The Bedisk and Beray Circumstellar Disk Codes |
213 |
Sigut, T. A. A. |
Brown Dwarfs, Exoplanets, and Protoplanetary Disks |
| |
Opacities from Molecules and Aerosols in Exoplanet and Brown Dwarf Atmospheres |
221 |
Morley, C. V. |
The Role of Opacities in Calculating the Structure and Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks |
231 |
Calvet, N. |
ATMOS: Towards Resolving Ambiguities in the Spectroscopic Detection of Life |
241 |
Sousa-Silva, C.; Petkowski, J. J.; Seager, S. |
Monte Carlo Simulations of Biophysical Factors for Viability of Life in Exoplanetary Atmospheres |
249 |
Westphal, M. S.; Pradhan, A. K. |
Astrophysical Processes and Atomic Data |
| |
The Belgian Repository of Fundamental Atomic Data and Stellar Spectra: Atomic Line Data Validation |
255 |
Lobel, A.; Royer, P.; Martayan, C.; Laverick, M.; Merle, T.; van Hoof, P. A. M.; Van der Swaelmen, M.; David, M.; Hensberge, H.; Thienpont, E. |
The Belgian Repository of Fundamental Atomic Data and Stellar Spectra: An Insight into Systematic Line Selection |
263 |
Laverick, M.; Lobel, A.; Royer, P.; Martayan, C.; Merle, T.; van Hoof, P. A. M.; Van der Swaelmen, M.; David, M.; Hensberge, H.; Thienpont, E. |
Dielectronic Recombination Calculations for Si-like Ions and the S2+ Orion Nebula Abundance Conundrum |
269 |
Kaur, J.; Gorczyca, T.W. |
X-Ray Absorption by Interstellar Atomic Gases near the K Edges of C, O, Ne, Mg, and Si and the L Edge of Fe |
275 |
Hasoglu, M. F.; Gorczyca, T. W. |
The Problem of the High Iron Abundance in Accretion Disks around Black Holes |
282 |
García, J. A.; Kallman, T. R.; Bautista, M.; Mendoza, C.; Deprince, J.; Palmeri, P.; Quinet, P. |
Plasma-Environment Effects on the Atomic Structure and K Lines of He- and Li-like Oxygen Ions |
289 |
Deprince, J.; Palmeri, P.; Quinet, P.; Fritzsche, S.; Bautista, M.; Mendoza, C.; Kallman, T. R.; García, J. A. |
On the Light-Curve Anomalies of Radio Pulsars |
295 |
Hakobyan, H. L.; Philippov, A. A.; Beskin, V. S.; Galishnikova, A. K.; Novoselov, E. M.; Rashkovetskyi, M. M. |
Epilogue |
| |
Current State of Astrophysical Opacities: A White Paper |
301 |
Lynas-Gray, A. E.; Basu, S.; Bautista, M. A.; Colgan, J.; Mendoza, C.; Tennyson, J.; Trampedach, R.; Turck-Chièze, S. |
A Modelers' Opacity Wish List |
319 |
Trampedach, R. |
Back Matter |
323 |