Title: Radiative Signatures from the Cosmos
Editors: Werner, Stehle, Rauch, and Lanz
Conference Date: 23 Oct 2018 - 26 Oct 2018
Location: Paris, France
Radiative Signatures from the Cosmos

A Conference in Honor of Ivan Hubeny

Sorbonne University Paris
23-26 October 2018

The Radiative Signatures from the Cosmos conference was devoted to state-of-the-art tools used to diagnose radiation from astrophysical objects to determine their properties and structure. It was dedicated to Ivan Hubeny, one of the world-leading experts in radiation transfer in astrophysics, who, for several decades, educated and supported a large worldwide community of students and scientists.
The oral and poster contributions were diverse, focusing on the topology, composition, dynamics, distance, and morphology of different cosmic objects, from extrasolar planets to active galactic nuclei, and the information provided by radiation. The topics discussed in these proceedings include 1) fundamental radiative transfer and modeling techniques, 2) exoplanet atmospheres, 3) cool stars and brown dwarfs, 4) hot stars and degenerate stars, 5) binaries, 6) supernovae, 7) stellar population synthesis, and 8) accretion disks.