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Paper: A Java GUI Client for Remote Interactive Observing: a Front-End to the Telescope Automation and Remote Observing System (TAROS)
Volume: 376, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI
Page: 657
Authors: Smith, D.F.; Czezowski, A.; Jarnyk, M.A.; Roberts, W.H.; Wilson, G.M.; Young, P.J.; Green, A.C.; Hovey, G.R.; Nielsen, J.G.; Sebo, K.M.; Vaccarella, A.L.
Abstract: TAROS is a system that will allow The Australian National University telescopes at Siding Spring Observatory to be operated automatically or interactively with authenticated control via the Internet. In the context of remote interactive observing, TAROS is operated by a Java GUI front-end which incorporates JSky components and relies on two key Java technologies: Java Message Service and Java Native Interface. This paper, the third in the TAROS series, describes the TAROS client application for remote interactive observing and its underlying GUI framework.
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