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Paper: The NOAO Data Products Program: Developing an End-to-End Data Management System in Support of the Virtual Observatory
Volume: 376, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI
Page: 707
Authors: Smith, R.C.; Boroson, T.; Seaman, R.; the NOAO/DPP Team
Abstract: The NOAO Data Products Program (DPP) is responsible for the development and operation of the data management system for NOAO and affiliated observatories, and for the scientific support of users accessing our data holdings and using our tools and services. At the core of this mission is the capture of data from instruments at these observatories and the delivery of that content to both the Principle Investigators (PIs) who proposed for the observations and, after an appropriate proprietary period, to users worldwide who are interested in using the data for their own (often very different) scientific projects. However, delivery of raw and/or reduced images to users only scratches the surface of the extensive potential which the international Virtual Observatory (VO) initiative has to offer. By designing the whole NOAO/DPP program around not only VO standards, but more importantly around VO principles, the program becomes not an exercise in data management and NOAO user support, but rather a VO-centric program which serves the growing world-wide VO community. It is this more global aspect that drives NOAO/DPP planning, as well as more specifically the design, development, and operations of the various components of our system. In the following sections we discuss these components and how they work together to form our VO-centric program.
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