Olszewski, Edward W.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
4 An update on the velocity dispersions in the Draco and the Ursa Minor dwarf galaxies 71 Olszewski, Edward W.
11 Variable blue straggler stars in NGC 5466 90 Harris, Hugh C.; Mateo, Mario; Olszewski, Edward W.; Nemec, James M.
13 Primordial binary stars in the low density globular clusters NGC 5053 and NGC 5466 439 Pryor, Carlton; Schommer, Robert A.; Olszewski, Edward W.
48 The Velocity Dispersion of the Distant Halo Globular Cluster NGC 2419 99 Olszewski, Edward W.; Pryor, Carlton; Shommer, Robert B.
48 The Age and Metallicity Distributions Among the Magellanic Cloud Clusters 351 Olszewski, Edward W.
165 The Halos of the Magellanic Clouds 143 Olszewski, Edward W.
273 Star Streams in the Milky Way Halo 123 Morrison, Heather; Mateo, Mario; Olszewski, Edward W.; Dohm-Palmer, R. C.; Harding, Paul; Helmi, Amina; Norris, John; Freeman, Kenneth C.; Shectman, Stephan A.