Title: |
First Results From Hinode
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Matthews, Sarah A.; Davis, John M.; Harra, Louise K.
Synopsis: |
These proceedings are an overview of the status of the Hinode mission a year after launch with particular emphasis on instrument performance and the scientific results from the first data release. Hinode was designed to study the sun at high spatial and temporal resolution in order to answer the fundamental questions on how its magnetic fields are formed and evolve, and how their interaction with the solar plasma creates the wide variety of active phenomena that are observed on the sun. The papers presented at the conference and published in this volume contain a number of new and significant advances in this area. The conference covered a broad range of topics that included the most pressing open questions in solar physics, such as the emergence and evolution of magnetic fields, their impact on structuring and heating the solar atmosphere, the origins of the solar wind, and explosive energy release on all scales. This book therefor provides a broad picture of the current advances in observational solar physics made by Hinode, raising a number of new questions in several areas. It is suitable for researchers and graduate students interested in solar and stellar physics and in the processes involved in magnetized plasma environments in general.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Cover |
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Volume 397 Cover |
Matthews, S.A.; Davis, J.M.; Harra, L.K. |
Front Matter |
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Volume 397 Front Matter |
1 |
Matthews, S.A.; Davis, J.M.; Harra, L.K. |
Conference Photograph |
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Volume 397 Conference Photograph |
2 |
Matthews, S.A.; Davis, J.M.; Harra, L.K. |
Part 1. Oral Presentations - Session 1 |
| |
The Hinode Mission |
3 |
Tsuneta, S.; the Hinode Team |
On-orbit Performance of the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode |
5 |
Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Tarbell, T.; Shine, R.A.; Hoffmann, C.; Berger, T.; Cruz, T.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Shimizu, T.; Lites, B.W. |
Overview of EIS Performance |
11 |
Hara, H. |
Magnetic Fields of the Quiet Sun: A New Quantitative Perspective From Hinode |
17 |
Lites, B.W.; Kubo, M.; Socas-Navarro, H. |
Magnetic Fields in the Solar Polar Region |
19 |
Tsuneta, S.; the Hinode SOT Team |
New Form of Emerging Magnetic Fields in Plage Regions |
21 |
Ishikawa, R.; Tsuneta, S. |
Hinode EIS and XRT Observations of Hot Jets in Coronal Holes - Does the Plasma Escape? |
23 |
Baker, D.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Kamio, S.; Culhane, J.L.; Harra, L.K.; Sun, J.; Young, P.R.; Matthews, S.A. |
High Resolution Observations of Spicules with Hinode/SOT |
27 |
Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Okamoto, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Tarbell, T.; Shine, R.A. |
Quiet-Sun: A Comparison of MDI and SOT Fluxes |
31 |
Parnell, C.E.; Deforest, C.E.; Hagenaar, H.J.; Lamb, D.A.; Welsch, B.T. |
Velocity Structure of Bright Points in a Coronal Hole |
35 |
Kamio, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Curdt, W. |
Part 2. Oral Presentations - Session 2 |
| |
The Determination of the Temperature Along Structures in the Solar Atmosphere |
41 |
Noglik, J.B.; Walsh, R.W. |
Density Structure in Active Regions from Hinode/EIS |
45 |
Tripathi, D.; Mason, H.E.; Young, P.R.; Chifor, C.; Del Zanna, G. |
Hinode/XRT Diagnostics of Loop Thermal Structure |
50 |
Reale, F.; Parenti, S.; Reeves, K.K.; Weber, M.; Bobra, M.G.; Barbera, M.; Kano, R.; Narukage, N.; Shimojo, M.; Sakao, T.; Peres, G.; Golub, L. |
Hα as a Chromospheric Diagnostic |
54 |
Rutten, R.J. |
Forward Modeling of EIS Spectroscopic Data Emitted by a Vertically Oscillating Loop |
58 |
Van Doorsselaere, T.; Nakariakov, V.M. |
Influence of Seeing on Cloud Model Parameters Obtained from Hα Observations |
63 |
Tziotziou, K.; Tsiropoula, G.; Heinzel, P. |
Multi-strand Hydrodynamic Modeling of Nanoflare-Heated Coronal Loops |
68 |
Walsh, R.W.; Sarkar, A.; Noglik, J.B. |
Part 3. Oral Presentations - Session 3 |
| |
What can we Learn from Nonlinear Force-Free Extrapolations? |
75 |
Régnier, S. |
Evolution of Magnetic Fields at the Boundary of the Penumbra |
79 |
Kubo, M.; Ichimoto, K.; Shimizu, T.; Lites, B.W.; Tsuneta, S.; Suematsu, Y.; Katsukawa, Y.; Nagata, S.; Tarbell, T.; Shine, R.A.; Title, A.M. |
Spectroscopic Hinode Observables from Turbulent Heating and Cooling of Coronal Loops |
83 |
Buchlin, É.; Cargill, P.J.; Bradshaw, S.J.; Velli, M. |
Active Region 1 MK Loops: EIS vs. SOHO/CDS Observations |
87 |
Del Zanna, G. |
Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections: a New View with Hinode |
91 |
Harra, L. |
New Evidence that CMEs are Self-Propelled Magnetic Bubbles |
98 |
Moore, R.L.; Sterling, A.C.; Suess, S.T. |
Doppler Shifts in the Boundary of the Dimming Region |
102 |
Imada, S.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Asai, A.; Kamio, S.; Matsuzaki, K.; Harra, L.K.; Mariska, J.T. |
Relating X-ray Luminosity of Flares Observed by XRT to Magnetic Flux and the Solar Wind |
106 |
Korreck, K.E.; Reeves, K.K.; Kozarev, K.; Schwadron, N.A. |
Three-Dimensional Structure Analysis of Coronal Magnetic Field in AR NOAA 10930 Based on Vector Magnetogram Observations with Hinode/SOT |
110 |
Inoue, S.; Kusano, K.; Masuda, S.; Miyoshi, T.; Yamamoto, T.; Magara, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Sakurai, T.; Yokoyama, T.; the US/Japan SOT team |
Early Hinode Observations of a Solar Filament Eruption |
115 |
Sterling, A.C.; Moore, R.L. |
Part 4. Oral Presentations - Session 4 |
| |
Long Duration Flare Observed with Hinode EIS |
121 |
Culhane, J.L.; Hara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Matsuzaki, K.; Harra, L.K.; Cargill, P.; Mariska, J.T.; Doschek, G.A. |
Study of the Physical Properties of Coronal “Waves” and Associated Dimmings |
126 |
Attrill, G.D.R.; Harra, L.K.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Williams, D.; Alexeev, I.V. |
Physical Conditions in Coronal Structures About to Flare |
130 |
Hudson, H.S.; Hannah, I.G.; DeLuca, E.E.; Weber, M. |
Evolution of Magnetic Field and Flow in NOAA 10930 Obtained by Hinode Observations |
135 |
Magara, T.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Tsuneta, S.; Yokoyama, T.; Nagata, T.; Inoue, S. |
Fine Structures of Flaring Loops Seen in Fe xxiii 263.76 Å Line |
139 |
Watanabe, T. |
Synthetic Hinode/EIS Observations of Oscillating Loops |
143 |
Taroyan, Y. |
Highlights from Hinode |
147 |
Priest, E.R. |
Part 5. Posters |
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Explosive Event in the Quiet Sun Seen by XRT-EIS and SUMER |
155 |
Attie, R.; Innes, D. |
Solar Flare Impulsive-phase Footpoints in Extreme UV, Soft X-Rays and Hard X-Rays |
157 |
Bain, H.M.; Fletcher, L. |
Long Duration Thermal Hard X-ray Sources Observed in Two Eruptive Flares |
160 |
Bone, L.A.; Culhane, J.L.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Hara, H. |
Multiscale Characterization of Eruptive Events |
162 |
Byrne, J.P.; Young, C.A.; Gallagher, P.T.; McAteer, R.T.J. |
Active Region Microflares from Hinode and RHESSI |
164 |
Chifor, C.; Hannah, I.G.; Mason, H.E.; Isobe, H.; Yokoyama, T.; Young, P.R.; Tripathi, D. |
Analyses of Hinode Magnetic Field Observations Using a 3D MHD Model |
167 |
Gary, G.A.; Wu, S.T.; Wang, H. |
Microflares with RHESSI and Hinode/XRT |
169 |
Hannah, I.G.; Krucker, S.; Christe, S.; Hudson, H.S.; Lin, R.P. |
IDL Object Oriented IDL Software for Hinode/XRT Image Analysis |
171 |
Higgins, P.A.; Gallagher, P.T. |
SUMER-Hinode Observations of Microflares: Excitation of Molecular Hydrogen |
174 |
Innes, D.E. |
Coronal Hole Identification and Characterisation using Automated Image Processing Techniques |
176 |
Krista, L.D.; Gallagher, P.T. |
Magnetic Variability of an XRT Bright Point |
178 |
Maclean, R.C.; Owens, B.J.; Pérez Suárez, D.; Doyle, J.G. |
Explosive Events in the Quiet Sun as Seen by EIS and SUMER |
180 |
Madjarska, M.S.; Boutry, C.; Bewsher, D. |
Fine Thermal Structure of a Flare Observed with Hinode/XRT |
182 |
Parenti, S.; Reale, F.; Reeves, K.K. |
Flare Cooling and Implications for Hinode/EIS |
184 |
Raftery, C.L.; Gallagher, P.T.; Milligan, R.O. |
DEM Temperature Analysis of Eruptive Events Using the XRT on Hinode |
187 |
Reeves, K.K.; Weber, M.A.; Kashyap, V.; DeLuca, E.E. |
3D MHD Simulations of Excitation and Damping of Vertical Kink Waves in Coronal Active Region Loops |
189 |
Selwa, M.; Ofman, L. |
Phase Mixing of Alfvén Waves in Divergent Magnetic Fields |
192 |
Smith, P.D.; Tsiklauri, D.; Ruderman, M.S. |
Study of Transition Region Transient Events with Hinode |
194 |
Subramanian, S.; Madjarska, M.; Doyle, J.G. |
Loop Morphology and Flows and their Relation to the Magnetic Field |
196 |
Teriaca, L.; Wiegelmann, T.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S.K.; Curdt, W.; Sekii, T.; the Hinode/SOT team |
Preprocessing of Hinode/SOT Vector Magnetograms for Nonlinear Force-Free Coronal Magnetic Field Modeling |
198 |
Wiegelmann, T.; Thalmann, J.K.; Schrijver, C.J.; DeRosa, M.L.; Metcalf, T.R. |
Back Matter |
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Volume 397 Back Matter |
210 |
Matthews, S.A.; Davis, J.M.; Harra, L.K. |